automated external defibrillator

automated external defibrillator (AED),

a device available to trained first-responder personnel or laypeople; can provide electrical countershock to a victim with the appropriate dysrhythmia without requiring the user's making a decision.

automated external defibrillator

A portable electronic device which is used to monitor cardiac rhythm, diagnose life threatening arrhythmias (e.g., ventricular fibrillation), and automatically defibrillate by placing the pads directly on the patient’s unclothed chest.

automated external defibrillator

Emergency medicine A portable device designed for use by first-response personnel for out-of-hospital emergency treatment of Pts suffering from cardiac arrest. See First-response personnel.

au·to·ma·ted ex·ter·nal de·fib·ril·la·tor

(AED) (aw'tō-mā-tĕd eks-tĕr'năl dē-fib'ri-lā-tŏr) Device that automatically analyzes the heart rhythm and if a problem is detected that may respond to an electric shock, permits a shock to be delivered to restore a normal heart rhythm.

automated external defibrillator

A device intended for use by non-medical persons trained in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for the emergency treatment of cardiac arrest caused by ventricular fibrillation especially in out-of-hospital situations.