Papago Park
Papago Park
Phoenix, AZ 85008
Size: 1,496 acres (1,200 in Phoenix and 296 in Tempe).
Location:At Van Buren Street and Galvin Parkway. From Phoenix, go east on Van Buren Street past 44th Street; from Scottsdale, go south on Scottsdale Road, west on McDowell Road, south on 64th Street; from Tempe, go north on Mill Avenue to the Salt River.
Facilities:Picnic areas, trails, fishing lagoons, archery range, 1.7-mile exercisecourse, orienteering course, historical sites, zoo, botanical garden,fire museum, golf course, amphitheater, playground, sports areas.
Activities:Fishing, hiking, archery, orienteering, bicycling, horseback riding, golf, softball.
Special Features:The Papago Trail takes visitors through the heart of the Phoenixmetropolitan area. Heritage, Environmental, Recreation, andEntertainment trails take visitors to attractions and points ofinterest in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Tempe.
See other parks in Arizona.