Rockefeller Family's Alien Conspiracy

Rockefeller Family’s Alien Conspiracy

If the Brothers from Outer Space didn’t want to land on the White House lawn, Laurance Rockefeller would have been happy to have greeted them at his country estate.

Who can doubt the global influence of the Rockefeller family? Beginning with the international corporate giant Standard Oil and spreading into the establishment of powerful supranational bodies such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderberg Society, the Rockefeller name is known through the world. Respected television commentator Bill Moyers concluded after he spent fifteen days with David Rockefeller that there are “just about a dozen or fifteen individuals” who make “day-to-day decisions that regulated the flow of capital and goods throughout the entire world.” In the multinational fraternity of individuals who shape the global economy and manage the flow of its capital, Moyers said, the Rockefeller family was born to it. What some critics see as a vast international conspiracy, the Rockefellers consider “just another day’s work.”

Well before the turn of the twentieth century, Standard Oil was perceived as a vast monopoly that would stop at nothing, including blackmail, bribery, and bombings to secure its power. In the 1920s John D. Rockefeller, the founder of the dynasty, funded the Eugenics Records Office with its concepts of “racial hygiene” and breeding better humans. The “science” of the Eugenic Records Office influenced Adolf Hitler and provided scientific legitimacy for Nazi race laws.

In more recent years, the Rockefellers have established numerous philanthropic organizations in an effort to appear to be a dynasty of benevolent benefactors, rather than a clan of robber barons. Critics point out that the Rockefellers’ motives, although perhaps born of guilt, still seem paternalistic and designed to serve the pet schemes of the world ruling class. When word began leaking out that Laurance Rockefeller was distributing substantial sums of money to certain UFO researchers and fringe foundations, a number of conspiracy theorists felt that the reason for his investment was not so much that he truly believed in aliens as that he wanted to cover all the possibilities: if extraterrestrials were to invade Earth, he wanted to ensure that the Rockefellers would be treated well. Other theorists contended that as a member of the Illuminati and the New World Order, Laurance was helping the citizens of Earth prepare to meet the Olympians, the masters from outer space.

According to well-substantiated rumors, Laurance Rockefeller contributed money and influence to prevent Harvard from censuring Dr. John Mack for his research on alien abduction. Rockefeller supported Mack’s Center for Psychology and Social Change in Cambridge, Massachusetts, from 1993 to 1995.

Laurance also funded the Green Earth Foundation, headed by Terence McKenna, who traveled the globe collecting psychoactive plants, which he was permitted to cultivate in Hawaii. McKenna theorized that aboriginal cultures have used these substances to induce a psychic link with extraterrestrials.

The Human Potential Foundation was primarily funded by Laurance Rockefeller, who encouraged its study of alternative religious and psychiatric/psychological paradigms. Similarly, Laurance cooperated closely with the BSW Foundation, headed by wealthy New Yorkers Sandra Wright Houghton and Bootsy Galbraith, who shared his belief that the ETs are benevolent and have come to help the human species ascend the evolutionary ladder more rapidly. Perhaps Laurance reasoned that those earthlings who believe that the aliens came from the stars with a noble mission would be chosen to be their ambassadors on Earth. On the other hand, some observers maintain that Laurance Rockefeller’s principal motive in sponsoring UFO research was to force the release of secret government information on the entities who were visiting Earth from space.

Author/UFO contactee Whitley Strieber believes that Laurance Rockefeller was a “champion of disclosure of UFO secrets who had the courage to put his money” into that cause. Strieber said that Rockefeller told him that he believed that the kind of UFO abduction that Strieber had experienced was a very real phenomenon, but that he was “unsure of their purpose or origin.”

Laurance Rockefeller died on July 11, 2004, at the age of ninety-three, after a brief illness. The surviving Rockefeller family members have not made any comments about their interest in UFOs or in aliens—benevolent or otherwise.