

单词 edc



abbreviation for (Military) European Defence Community
EncyclopediaSeeEuropean Defense Community



 estimated (or expected) date of confinement; see nägele's rule.


Abbreviation for expected date of confinement. See: Nägele rule.

expected date of confinement



The predicted date of childbirth. See: Naegele's rule; pregnancy for table



See: Export Credit Agency

Export Development Corp.

A government owned corporation in Canada that extends credit to Canadian exporters. Export Development Canada also provides guarantees and insurance for exports. Like other export credit agencies (ECA), Export Development Canada is controversial; critics allege that ECAs negatively impact international development, as developing countries cannot compete with such insured exports. Proponents of ECAs argue that they enable developing countries to import products they otherwise would not be able to afford.


EDCEducation Development Center, Inc.
EDCExport Development Canada
EDCEveryday Carry (knife)
EDCElectronic Data Capture (for use in clinical trials)
EDCEconomic Development Corporation
EDCElectric Daisy Carnival (Los Angeles, CA)
EDCEconomic Development Commission
EDCEconomic Development Council
EDCElectronic Devices and Circuits
EDCEau de Cologne
EDCEndocrine Disrupting Chemical (environment)
EDCEROS Data Center
EDCElectricidad de Caracas (Venezuela electric company)
EDCEvery Day Carry (knife collector slang)
EDCEuropean Documentation Centre
EDCEthylene Dichloride
EDCEntrepreneurs et Dirigeants Chrétiens (French: Christian Entrepreneurs and Managers)
EDCEden District Council (UK)
EDCExport Development Corporation (Canada)
EDCElectronic Dispersion Compensation
EDCError Detection Code
EDCEstimative Device Cell
EDCEuropean Developers Conference
EDCEnhanced Daughter Card
EDCEuropean Distribution Center
EDCError Detection and Correction
EDCElectronic Data Captures
EDCEngine Drag Control
EDCElectronic Desktop Calculator
EDCEthernet Daughter Card
EDCElectronic Document Capture
EDCEmbedded Disk Card
EDCElectronic Damper Control
EDCEducation for Democratic Citizenship
EDCEntreprises dans la Cité (French: Businesses in the City)
EDC1-Ethyl-3- (3-Dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide
EDCEnergy Development Corporation (Philippines)
EDCElectronic Damper Control (automotive system)
EDCElectronic Diesel Control
EDCEuropean Drift Championship (car racing)
EDCElectric Distribution Company (various locations)
EDCEducation Data Center (various locations)
EDCEnterprise Data Center
EDCExplosive Detection Canine (security)
EDCEdgar, Dunn & Company (various locations)
EDCÉcole des Consommateurs (French: School of Consumers)
EDCEvery Drop Counts (various organizations)
EDCEuropean Defense Community
EDCEuropean Design Centre (Netherlands)
EDCExecutive Deferred Compensation (retirement)
EDCElectronic Draft Capture
EDCEstimated Date of Confinement
EDCEmergency Dispatch Center (various locations)
EDCEconomic Dispatch Control
EDCÉpisode Dépressif Caractérisé (French: Characterized Depressive Episode; psychology)
EDCCenter for Education and Development of Chromatography (Vietnam)
EDCEconomic Development Conveyance
EDCEngineering Design Conference
EDCEngineering Design Centre (various organizations)
EDCExtensor Digitorum Communis (medical)
EDCEcole de Cavalerie (French: Cavalry School)
EDCExpected Date of Confinement
EDCElectrical Discharge
EDCEndocrine-Disrupting Compound
EDCEpiscopal Diocese of Chicago (Chicago, IL)
EDCEngineering Design Center (various organizations)
EDCEdgar de Carvalho (French public works company)
EDCEnvironmental Design Contest
EDCEuropéenne de Cautionnement (French: European Bond)
EDCElectrical Distribution & Control
EDCElectronic Debit Card
EDCEpidermal Differentiation Complex
EDCEquity and Diversity Committee (various locations)
EDCError Detecting Code
EDCEvonik Degussa Corporation (Evonik Industries; various locations)
EDCElectronic Digital Computer
EDCError Detection & Correction
EDCEconomia di Comunione (Italian: Economy of Communion)
EDCEasington District Council (UK)
EDCEating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy, & Action
EDCEgyptian Drilling Company
EDCEnhanced Data Correction
EDCEastern Distribution Center
EDCÉveil De Contres (French badminton club)
EDCEducation and Development Center
EDCEarth Day Coalition (Cleveland, Ohio)
EDCEstimated Date of Conception
EDCExtension Distribution Center
EDCEuropees Documentatie Centrum
EDCEstimated Date of Completion
EDCEngineering Documentation Control
EDCEcole des Dirigeants et Créateurs d'Entreprises
EDCEngine Driven Compressor (utilized by aircraft to provide pressurization to the cabin)
EDCEnterprise Document Capture (software)
EDCEnergy Distribution Curve (spectroscopy)
EDCEnergy Data Collection Project (Digital Government Research Center)
EDCEmmanuel Duclos Conseil (French consulting firm)
EDCEmballage Diffusion Création (French packaging manufacturer)
EDCEffective Dielectric Constant
EDCEnergy Disruption Committee (US FEMA)
EDCElectronic Drag Torque Control (Opel)
EDCEquity and Diversity Centre (various locations)
EDCEquivalent Distillation Capacity
EDCEffective Date of Contract
EDCElectronic Document Coordinator
EDCEgyptian Developers Conference
EDCElectronic Design Center
EDCExpediency Discernment Council (Iran)
EDCEnterprise-Wide Electronic Data Capture
EDCEngineering Date Code
EDCEarliest Documented Cover (philately)
EDCElectronic Data Control
EDCEarly Display Capability (US FAA)
EDCEmergency Decontamination Center
EDCEngineering Design Council
EDCEffective Date of Change
EDCEntertainment Development Council
EDCElectronic Discharge Laser
EDCElectrical Date Code
EDCEdge Design Center
EDCEngineering Design Concept (US DoD)
EDCEastern District Conference (Mennonite church)
EDCExpect Departure Clearance At .... (time)
EDCExternal Database Coordination
EDCEngineering Data Controller/Change
EDCEstimated Discharge Current
EDCEuro-Drive Clutches Inc.
EDCExecutive Director for Certification
EDCEmployee Dependent Care
EDCEnvironmental Data Converter
EDCElectronic Data Confirmation
EDCEnvironmental Dynamics Complexity (DARPA)
EDCElectric Distribution Center
EDCElectron Devices Conference (IEEE)
EDCExploratory Development Committee
EDCÉchiquier des Collines (French chess club)




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