SPQSingle Player Quake
SPQSpool File by Output Queue
SPQSeller Property Questionnaire (real estate)
SPQSpecialist, Communications Specialist (US Navy)
SPQSweet Potato Queen (Sweet Potato Queen's Book of Love; Mal's St. Paddy's Day Parade; Jackson, MS)
SPQSocial Psychology Quarterly
SPQSociété Parkinson du Québec (French: Parkinson Society of Quebec; Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
SPQSchizotypal Personality Questionnaire
SPQSyndicalistes et Progressistes pour un Québec libre (French)
SPQStrict Priority Queuing
SPQSingle Persons Quarters (housing)
SPQSociété de Paléontologie du Québec (French: Quebec Paleontology Society; Canada)
SPQShorter PROMIS Questionnaire
SPQStandard Pack Quantity
SPQSociété Philosophique de Québec (French: Quebec Philosophical Society; Canada)
SPQSyndicat des Pompiers du Québec (French: Quebec Firefighters' Union; Canada)
SPQSequence Pre-Fetch Queue
SPQStudent-Parent Questionnaire
SPQSpecial Pricing Quotation