panic value

panic value

Alert value, critical value Lab medicine Lab results from a specimen that must be reported immediately to a clinician–ie, of such severity as to mandate urgent therapy. See Decision levels. Panic values Chemistry panic values Analyte SI units US units Calcium < 1.65 mmol/L < 6.6 mg/dl > 2.22 mmol/L > 12.9 mg/dl Glucose < 2.60 mmol/L < 46 mg/dl  > 26.9 mmol/L > 484 mg/dl K+ < 2.8 mmol/L < 2.8 mEq/L  > 6.2 mmol/L > 6.2 mEq/L > 8.0 mmol/L if hemolyzed Na+ < 120 mmol/L < 120 mEq/L  > 158 mmol/L > 158 mEq/L CO2 in plasma < 11 mmol/L < 11 mMol  > 40 mmol/L > 40 mMol Hematology, eg blasts or sickle cells on a peripheral smear, possibly indicating leukemia or sickle cell anemia Microbiology, eg positive gram stain or culture from blood, serosal fluids or CSF, acid-fast stain or positive mycobacterial culture results Transfusion medicine Incompatible cross-match and positive serology for VDRL; the panic values differ in each lab and the route of the communication is at the discretion
of the lab director

panic value

A laboratory test result so far outside the normal range that it requires immediate notification of a health care provider.