Acronym | Definition |
ROC➣Registration of Company |
ROC➣Receiver Operating Characteristic (signal detection theory) |
ROC➣Rate of Change |
ROC➣Republic of China |
ROC➣Republic of Congo |
ROC➣Race of Champions |
ROC➣Roc-A-Fella Records (music label) |
ROC➣Record of Communication |
ROC➣Rules of Conduct (various organizations) |
ROC➣Reign of Chaos (game) |
ROC➣Region Of Convergence |
ROC➣Retin-Ox Correxion (cosmetics) |
ROC➣Reflection of Christ |
ROC➣Radius of Curvature |
ROC➣Registrar of Contractors (Arizona) |
ROC➣Rex Orange County (musician) |
ROC➣Report on Compliance (payment card industry) |
ROC➣Rate of Climb |
ROC➣Right of Center |
ROC➣Report of Contributions (various organizations) |
ROC➣Record of Conversation (summary of a verbal conversation, to establish a formal, dated record) |
ROC➣Renovation of the Church (book) |
ROC➣Radar Operations Center (NOAA, NEXRAD) |
ROC➣Registry of Companies |
ROC➣Return on Capital |
ROC➣Rated Operating Capacity |
ROC➣Russian Orthodox Church |
ROC➣Recurrent Ovarian Cancer |
ROC➣Relationship of Command (At the Drive-In music album) |
ROC➣Regional Operations Center |
ROC➣Rehearsal of Concept (military drills) |
ROC➣Rest of Canada (political party) |
ROC➣Report on Carcinogens (US Department of Health and Human Services) |
ROC➣Regional Organisation of Councils (Australia) |
ROC➣Receipt of Comments |
ROC➣Regional Operation Center |
ROC➣Read Out Chip |
ROC➣Register of Copyrights |
ROC➣Reactive Organic Compounds |
ROC➣Royal Observer Corps |
ROC➣Registro degli Operatori di Comunicazione |
ROC➣Remote Operations Centre (various locations) |
ROC➣Rust-Oleum Corporation (various locations) |
ROC➣Report on Comments |
ROC➣Restaurant Opportunities Center |
ROC➣Recovery-Oriented Computing |
ROC➣Republic of Croatia |
ROC➣Research on Crops (International Journal on Crops) |
ROC➣Renewable Energy Certificate (ernecy commodity) |
ROC➣Reconnaissance Optique de Caractères (French: Optical Character Recognition; video coding) |
ROC➣Rail Operations Center |
ROC➣Renewable Obligation Certificate (UK Energy Supply Market) |
ROC➣Recovery Operations Center |
ROC➣Receptor-Operated Calcium Channel |
ROC➣Required Operational Capability |
ROC➣Rescue Operations Center |
ROC➣Rights of Children |
ROC➣Raleigh Orthopaedic Clinic (North Carolina) |
ROC➣Radio on a Chip |
ROC➣Raid on A Chip |
ROC➣Regional Oversight Committee |
ROC➣Russian Organized Crime |
ROC➣Regional Operating Center |
ROC➣Riverfront Office Center (Harrisburg, PA) |
ROC➣Relative Operating Characteristic (mathematics) |
ROC➣Regionaal Opleidings Centrum (Dutch; Flevoland, Holland) |
ROC➣Resource Opportunities Centre (Canada) |
ROC➣Reconnaissance Operations Center |
ROC➣Reach Out Central (educational game) |
ROC➣Received on Certificate (Quaker religion) |
ROC➣Restricted Operator's Certificate |
ROC➣Rally of Canberra (motorsports) |
ROC➣Regional Office Coordinator |
ROC➣Regional Operations Controller |
ROC➣Receiving Operating Characteristic |
ROC➣Rocketry Organization of California |
ROC➣Repertory Opera Company (Pomona, CA) |
ROC➣Riley Outpatient Center (Indianapolis, IN) |
ROC➣Remote Object Communications (computing) |
ROC➣Remote Operations Controller |
ROC➣Recovery Opportunity Center (various locations) |
ROC➣Report of Compliance |
ROC➣Run of Category (Internet marketing) |
ROC➣Research Into Ovarian Cancer |
ROC➣Rise of Chaos (Shadowbane expansion pack) |
ROC➣Risk Oversight Committee (various organizations) |
ROC➣Rendezvous Observation City (hotel; Australia) |
ROC➣Russian Outreach Center (Russia) |
ROC➣Rochester, NY, USA - Monroe County Airport (Airport Code) |
ROC➣Record Of Charge (American Express) |
ROC➣Revival Outreach Center |
ROC➣Read-Out Controller |
ROC➣Rensselaer Outing Club (Troy, NY) |
ROC➣Regional Oversight Contract |
ROC➣Right Outer Canthus |
ROC➣Romanian Olympic Committee |
ROC➣Renault Owners Club (car club) |
ROC➣Resource Organization Code |
ROC➣Resource Operations Center |
ROC➣Roller Olympique Club (French roller hockey club) |
ROC➣Rochdale Owners Club (UK) |
ROC➣Rest of Caribbean (Sprint) |
ROC➣Range Operations Commander |
ROC➣Revenue Object Code |
ROC➣Resume Operations Center (NASA) |
ROC➣Repeatered Optical Cable |
ROC➣Reduced Operations Center (NASA) |
ROC➣Rear Operation Cell |
ROC➣Regional Oxygen Concentration |
ROC➣Reporting Organization Code |
ROC➣Radiations Operations Committee (UK) |
ROC➣Rigid Overhead Catenary (cable) |
ROC➣Required Operational Center |
ROC➣Residual Operating Current |
ROC➣Release Of Credits (insurance) |
ROC➣Relational Operator Coverage |
ROC➣Reference of Call (telecommunications) |
ROC➣Repair Order Cycle |
ROC➣Random Operation Control |