

P0037900 (păn′kāk′) A trademark for a semisolid cosmetic or theatrical makeup pressed into a flat cake and usually applied with a damp sponge.



n., v. -caked, -cak•ing. n. 1. a thin, flat cake of batter fried on both sides on a griddle or in a frying pan; griddlecake or flapjack. 2. Also called pan′cake land`ing. an airplane landing made by pancaking. v.i. 3. (of an airplane) to drop flat to the ground after leveling off a few feet above it. v.t. 4. Informal. to flatten, esp. as the result of a mishap. 5. to cause (an airplane) to pancake. [1400–50]


Trademark. a brand of cosmetic in a semimoist cake of compressed powder, usu. applied with a moist sponge.