Roaring River State Park
Roaring River State Park
Location:7 miles south of Cassville on Highway 112 in Barry County.
Facilities:48 basic campsites, 137 electric campsites, showers, organized groupcamp, 10 cabins, 16 duplex/fourplex units, 24 motel rooms and 2 suites,conference center, meeting rooms, restaurant, gift shop, picnic sites,2 picnic shelters, hikingtrails, swimming pool, park store, nature center.
Activities:Camping, river fishing, swimming, hiking, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Roaring River is known for its premier trout fishing. More than 20million gallons of water gush daily from Roaring River Spring to formthe headwaters of Roaring River, which is stocked daily during troutseason.
Address:Rt 4, Box 4100
Cassville, MO 65625
Size: 3,973 acres.
See other parks in Missouri.