

 [sim´pleks-vi″rus] the viruses" >herpes simplex viruses, a genus of herpesviruses that cause herpes simplex; species pathogenic in humans include human herpesvirus 1 and human herpesvirus 2.

her·pes sim·plex

a variety of infections caused by herpesvirus types 1 and 2; type 1 infections are marked most commonly by the eruption of one or more groups of vesicles on the vermilion border of the lips or at the external nares, type 2 by such lesions on the genitalia; both types often are recrudescent and reappear during other febrile illnesses or even physiologic states such as menstruation. The viruses frequently become latent and may not be expressed for years. Synonym(s): herpes catarrhalis, herpes facialis, herpes febrilis, herpes labialis, Simplexvirus

her·pes sim·plex

(hĕrpēz simpleks) A variety of infections caused by herpesvirus types 1 and 2; type 1 infections are marked most commonly by the eruption of one or more groups of vesicles on the vermilion border of the lips or at the external nares, type 2 by such lesions on the genitalia; both types often are recrudescent and reappear during other febrile illnesses or even physiologic states such as menstruation.
Synonym(s): herpes facialis, herpes febrilis, herpes labialis, Simplexvirus.

Patient discussion about Simplexvirus

Q. Are cold sores contagious? My boyfriend has cold sores on his mouth. Can I catch it from him? If so, how can I prevent catching it?A. Cold sores contain the HSV-1 virus, which is the herpes simplex virus . While your boyfriend has cold sores, he should wash his hands often, especially after touching his face. He shouldn't share cups and eating utensils with others since he is very contagious. You should not kiss him or touch the cold sores either, in order not to be infected.

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