secondary stuttering
secondary stuttering
sec·on·dar·y stut·ter·ing
sek'ŏn-dar-ē stŭt'ĕr-ing
Established stuttering behavior in which the dysfluencies are accompanied by awareness, anticipation, and resultant anxiety.
not care tuppence for
not care tuppence for somebody
not care tuppence for something
(not) care two hoots
not care two hoots
not care two hoots about
not care two hoots about her
not care two hoots about him
not care two hoots about me
not care two hoots about someone
not care two hoots (about something)
not care two hoots about something
not care two hoots about them
not care two hoots about us
not care two hoots about you
not care two hoots for
not care two hoots for her
not care two hoots for me
not care two hoots for someone
not care two hoots for something
not care two hoots for them
not care two hoots for us
not care two hoots for you
not care two pence
not care twopence
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