Acronym | Definition |
BML➣Big Mouth Loud (professional wrestling promotion; Japan) |
BML➣Belfast & Moosehead Lake (railroad; Maine) |
BML➣Bill Me Later |
BML➣Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (Italian library) |
BML➣Buffer Management Logic |
BML➣Blue Marble Layer |
BML➣Bone Marrow Lesion |
BML➣Brisbane Markets Limited (Australia) |
BML➣Bite My Lip |
BML➣Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon (French: Lyon Municipal Library; Lyon, France) |
BML➣Broadcast Markup Language |
BML➣Bob Marley Legend |
BML➣Bodega Marine Laboratory (UC Davis) |
BML➣Bean Markup Language |
BML➣Brooks Memorial Library (Vermont) |
BML➣Business Management Layer |
BML➣Basic Machine Language |
BML➣Biomedical Library (University of South Alabama and University of California, San Diego) |
BML➣Bank of Maldives (est. 1982) |
BML➣Better Markup Language (server-side HTML preprocessor) |
BML➣Banque Misr Liban (French; Lebanese bank) |
BML➣Book Marketing Ltd. (UK) |
BML➣Béton Manufacturé de Lagny SA (French: Lagny Manufactured Concrete; Lagny-sur-Marne, France) |
BML➣Bestuur Monumenten en Landschappen (Dutch: Office of Monuments and Sites; Belgium) |
BML➣Business Mortgage Loan |
BML➣Biham-Middleton-Levine (traffic model) |
BML➣Berlin Regional Airport (airport code; Berlin, NH) |
BML➣Boston Mutual Life (Insurance Company) |
BML➣Blue Man Library |
BML➣Bless My Life |
BML➣BioMechanics Laboratory |
BML➣Below the Mud Line (deep-sea studies) |
BML➣Blinkenlights Markup Language |
BML➣Bytown Marine Ltd (Ottawa, ON, Canada) |
BML➣Badminton Maisons-Laffitte (French badminton club) |
BML➣Béton Matériaux Lyonnais (French: Lyon Concrete Materials; Lyon, France) |
BML➣Bidder's Mailing List |
BML➣Bibliothèque Médicale Lemanissier (French: Lemanissier Medical Library; Le Mans, France) |
BML➣Blizzard Markup Language |
BML➣Beau Meuble Liégeois (French: Liege Beautiful Furniture; Liege, Belgium) |
BML➣Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad Company |
BML➣Bouchemaine Multi-Loisirs (French recreational and cultural association) |
BML➣Beaujolais Monts du Lyonnais (French: Beaujolais Hills of Lyon; vocational training) |
BML➣Blue Mountain Lodge (Banff, AB, Canada) |
BML➣Béton Mobile Lyon (French concrete manufacturer) |
BML➣Brad Markup Language (precursor to TML and VXML used at Tellme Networks) |
BML➣Biologie Moléculaire des Ligneux (French: Molecular Biology of Woody Plants; conference) |
BML➣Borgo Matériel Location (French equipment rental company) |
BML➣Bibliothèque Michel Lebrun (French: Michel Lebrun Library) |
BML➣Base Master Listing |
BML➣Bouchaud Motoculture Loisirs (French gardening and landscaping equipment company) |
BML➣Baies et Menuiseries du Languedoc (French building materials company) |
BML➣Buckhiester Management Ltd (Seattle, WA) |
BML➣Beardsley and Memorial Library (Winsted, CT) |
BML➣Brigitte Marchand-Lapointe (French artist) |