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secondary dysmenorrhea ThesaurusNoun | 1. | secondary dysmenorrhea - painful menstruation that is caused by some specific disorder (as endometriosis)dysmenorrhea - painful menstruation | EncyclopediaSeeDysmenorrheasecondary dysmenorrhea
sec·on·dar·y dys·men·or·rhe·adysmenorrhea due to inflammation, infection, tumor, or anatomic factors.sec·on·dar·y dys·men·or·rhe·a (sek'ŏn-dar-ē dis-men'ŏr-ē'ă) Menstrual disorder due to inflammation, infection, tumor, or anatomic factors. secondary dysmenorrheaPainful menses that manifest some years after menarche and result from identifiable pelvic disorders or diseases. Common causes include a history or finding of use of an intrauterine device, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, uterine leiomyomas, adenomyosis, fertility problems related to imperforate hymen, cervical stenosis, ovarian cysts, or pronounced uterine retroflexion and/or retroversion. TreatmentNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended for pain management. Medical or surgical management is directed toward resolving the underlying problem. See also: dysmenorrheasecondary dysmenorrhea Related to secondary dysmenorrhea: adenomyosis, endometriosis, primary dysmenorrheaWords related to secondary dysmenorrheanoun painful menstruation that is caused by some specific disorder (as endometriosis)Related Words |