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pag·o·pha·gia P5013645 (păg′ə-fā′jə)n. A craving to eat ice, often associated with anemia resulting from iron deficiency. [Greek pagos, stiff mass, frost (from pēnunai, pag-, to stick, stiffen; see pag- in Indo-European roots) + -phagia.]Translations
pagophagia [pag″o-fa´jah] the habit of eating large amounts of ice, a form of pica sometimes linked to iron deficiency.pa·go·pha·gi·a (pā'gō-fā'jē-ă), Compulsive and repeated ingestion of ice; sometimes associated with iron-deficiency anemia. [G. pagos, frost, + phagō, to eat] pagophagia (păg′ə-fā′jə)n. A craving to eat ice, often associated with anemia resulting from iron deficiency.pa·go·pha·gi·a (pāg'ō-fā'jē-ă) The compulsive eating of ice, often a symptom of iron deficiency. [G. pagos, frost, + phagō, to eat]PagophagiaThe compulsive eating of ice.Mentioned in: Pica |