pooling of interests

Pooling of interests

An accounting method for reporting acquisitions accomplished through the use of equity. The combined assets of the merged entity are consolidated using book value, as opposed to the purchase method, which uses market value. The merging entities' financial results are combined as though the two entities have always been a single entity.

Pooling of Interests

A way to record a merger or acquisition where the assets and liabilities are added together and netted. The pooling of interests method does not create good will and therefore results in higher earnings for newly merged or acquired entity. The pooling of interest method contrasts with the purchase acquisition method.

pooling of interests

An accounting method for combining unchanged the assets, liabilities, and owners' equity of two firms after a merger or combination. Before being discontinued in 2001, pooling was a preferred method of accounting for mergers because it generally produced the highest earnings calculations for the surviving company. Compare purchase method.