

单词 pacs



(Picture ArChiving System) A storage and management system for high-resolution images. Typically pertaining to the medical field, images such as X-rays, MRIs and CAT scans require a greater amount of storage than other industries.



Acronym for picture archive and communication system, a computer network for digitized radiologic images and reports.


Picture Archiving and Communication Systems. A system based on the universal (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) standard, which uses a server to store and allow facile access to high-quality radiologic images, including conventional films, CT, MRI, PET scans and other medical images over a network.
PACS components:
• Imaging modality—e.g., X-ray, CT, MRI etc.;
• Secure network for transmitting patient information;
• Workstations for interpreting and reviewing images;
• Archives for the storing and retrieving images and reports.

picture archiving and communication system



Computers or networks dedicated to the storage, retrieval, distribution, and presentation of images.


PACSPicture Archiving and Communication System (DICOM)
PACSPacte Civil de Solidarité (French: Civil Pact of Solidarity)
PACSPhilanthropy and Civil Society (Stanford University; Stanford, CA)
PACSPublic Affairs and Community Service
PACSPhysics and Astronomy Classification Scheme
PACSPrimary Angle Closure Suspect (eyes)
PACSPicture Archive and Communications System
PACSPicture Archiving Computer Systems
PACSPersonal Access Communications System
PACSPhotoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer (telescope)
PACSPublic-Access Computer Systems Review (publication; University of Houston Libraries; Houston, TX)
PACSPersonal Access Communications System (Bellcore, SSC)
PACSProcurement and Contracting Services (University of Arizona)
PACSPan American Climate Studies
PACSPhysical Access Control System
PACSPatto Civile di Solidarietà (Italian: civil pact of solidarity; gay civil union)
PACSPhiladelphia Academy Charter School (Pennsylvania)
PACSPoorest Areas Civil Society (India)
PACSPrimary Airport Control Station (airport survey marker)
PACSPATRIOT Act Communication System
PACSPartial Anterior Circulation Syndrome (medical)
PACSProvisional Army of the Confederate States
PACSPakistani-American Cultural Society (various locations)
PACSPennyrile Allied Community Services (Hopkinsville, Kentucky)
PACSPicture Archival Computer System
PACSPhoenixville Area Community Services (Pennsylavnia)
PACSPost-Acute Care Services
PACSProgrammable Armament Control Set
PACSPathogen Asset Control System (US Defense Threat Reduction Agency)
PACSPacific Area Cataloging System
PACSProcess and Control Systems, Inc. (electrical control panels)
PACSPost Adoption Counseling Services (New Jersey)
PACSProgrammable Armament Control System
PACSPersonal Advanced Communications Systems
PACSPolar Acquisition and Command System
PACSProcurement Authorities Control System
PACSPlotting & Combat Summary Display
PACSProject Administration and Costing System (Sprint)
PACSPersonal Alarm Call Service (Australia)
PACSPhysical Access - Cleaning and Sanitizing
PACSParental Account of Symptoms
PACSPediatric Activity Card Sort (occupational therapy assessment tool)




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