释义 |
pachymeningitis (ˌpækɪˌmɛnɪnˈdʒaɪtɪs) n (Veterinary Science) pathol inflammation of the dura mater of the brain and spinal cord
pachymeningitis[¦pak·ē‚men·ən′jīd·əs] (medicine) Inflammation of the dura mater. pachymeningitisenUK
pach·y·men·in·gi·tis (pak'ē-men'in-jī'tis), Inflammation of the dura mater. Synonym(s): perimeningitis [pachy- + G. mēninx, membrane, + -itis, inflammation] pach·y·men·in·gi·tis (pak'ē-men-in-jī'tis) Inflammation of the dura mater. Synonym(s): perimeningitis. pachymeningitis Inflammation of the DURA MATER.pach·y·men·in·gi·tis (pak'ē-men-in-jī'tis) Inflammation of the dura mater. |