Kafengauz, Berngard
Kafengauz, Berngard Borisovich
(also Boris Borisovich Kafengauz). Born July 1 (13), 1894, in the city of Proskurov, now Khmel’nitskii; died June 27, 1969, in Moscow. Soviet historian. Doctor of historical sciences (1947). Professor in the department of history at Moscow State University (from 1948).
Kafengauz graduated from the department of history and philology of Moscow University in 1920 and then pursued a life of scholarship and teaching. He was senior research fellow at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1940 to 1965. Kafengauz was a specialist in Russian history of the 12th through 19th centuries. He was a coauthor of History of the USSR From Ancient Times to Our Day, Essays on the History of the USSR, History of Moscow, and World History. Kafengauz was awarded the Red Banner of Labor.
Severnaia voina i Nishtadtskii mir (1700–1721 ). Moscow-Leningrad, 1944.Istoriia khoziaistva Demidovykh v XVIII-XIX vv.: Opyt issledovaniia po istorii uraVskoi metallurgii, vol. 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.
I. T. Pososhkov: Zhizn’ i deiateVnosf, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1951.
Ocherki vnutrennego rynka Rossii pervoi poloviny XVIII v. (Po ma-terialam vnutrennykh tamozhen). Moscow, 1958.
Drevnii Pskov: Ocherki po istorii feodaVnoi respubliki. Moscow, 1969.
Pavlenko, N. I. “Tvorcheskii put’ B. B. Kafengauza.” In the collection Absoliutizm v Rossii (XVII-XVIII vv.). Moscow, 1964.Cherepnin, L. V. “B. B. Kafengauz—istorik i istochnikoved.” In Arkheo-grafich. ezhegodnik za 1970. Moscow, 1971.