United Nations
United Nations
United Nations
Unit′ed Na′tions
Noun | 1. | ![]() |
单词 | united nations | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | United NationsUnited NationsUnited NationsUnit′ed Na′tionsn.
United Nations→ 联合国zhCNUnited NationsSee also: United Nations Members (table)United Nations Members United Nations(UN), international organization established immediately after World War II. It replaced the League of NationsLeague of Nations,former international organization, established by the peace treaties that ended World War I. Like its successor, the United Nations, its purpose was the promotion of international peace and security. ..... Click the link for more information. . In 1945, when the UN was founded, there were 51 members; 193 nations are now members of the organization (see table entitled United Nations MembersUnited Nations Members Country Year of Entry Afghanistan 1946 Albania 1955 Algeria 1962 Andorra 1993 Angola 1976 Antigua and Barbuda 1981 Argentina 1945 Armenia 1992 Australia 1945 Austria 1955 Azerbaijan 1992 Bahamas 1973 Bahrain 1971 ..... Click the link for more information. ). Organization and PrinciplesThe Charter of the United Nations comprises a preamble and 19 chapters divided into 111 articles. The charter sets forth the purposes of the UN as: the maintenance of international peace and security; the development of friendly relations among states; and the achievement of cooperation in solving international economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems. It expresses a strong hope for the equality of all people and the expansion of basic freedoms. The principal organs of the UN, as specified in the charter, are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social CouncilEconomic and Social Council, The official languages of the UN are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. The working languages of the General Assembly are English, French, and Spanish (in the Security Council only English and French are working languages). The Secretariat and the Secretary-GeneralAll UN administrative functions are handled by the Secretariat, with the secretary-general at its head. The charter does not prescribe a term for the secretary-general, but a five-year term has become standard. Trygve LieLie, Trygve Halvdan The General AssemblyThe only UN body provided by the charter in which all member states are represented is the General Assembly. The General Assembly was designed to be a deliberative body dealing chiefly with general questions of a political, social, or economic character. It meets in a regular annual session beginning the third Tuesday in September; special sessions are sometimes held. It has seven main committees set up to deal with specific matters designated as (1) political and security, (2) economic and financial, (3) social, humanitarian, and cultural, (4) trusteeship, (5) administrative and budgetary, (6) legal, and (7) special political. It also has procedural, standing, and many ad hoc committees. The assembly passes on the budget and sets the assessments of the member countries. It may conduct studies and make recommendations but may not advise on matters under Security Council consideration, unless by Security Council request. In the assembly, decisions on routine matters are taken by a simple majority of members voting; a two-thirds majority is required for matters of importance, such as the admission of new members, the revision of the charter, and budgetary and trusteeship questions. The Security CouncilThe Security Council was constructed as an organ with primary responsibility for preserving peace. Unlike the General Assembly, it was given power to enforce measures and was organized as a compact executive organ. Also unlike the assembly, the Security Council in theory functions continuously at the seat of the UN. The council has 15 members. Five—China (until 1971 the Republic of China [Taiwan]; since then the People's Republic of China), France, Great Britain, the United States, and Russia (until 1991 the USSR)—are permanent. The 10 (originally six) nonpermanent members are elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly; equitable geographic distribution is required. Customarily there are five nonpermanent members from African and Asian states, one from Eastern Europe, two from Latin America, and two from Western Europe and elsewhere. In the council the presidency is occupied for one-month terms in the alphabetical order of the members' names in English. In 1997 a UN commission proposed changes to the council, including adding five new permanent members without veto powers, adding four additional nonpermanent members, and placing restrictions on the use of the veto. The proposed changes were regarded by many nations as a groundwork for negotiations on the eventual restructuring of the council. Brazil, Germany, India, Japan, and South Africa have sought permanent seats on the council, and in July, 2005, the first four nations submitted a General Assembly resolution calling for the expansion of the council (but not for veto-power for new permanent members). The African Union, however, has called for new permanent members to have the veto and for Africa to receive two permanent seats. There has been no significant progress on the issue, but in Sept., 2008, the General Assembly unanimously called for intergovernmental negotiations on the enlargement of the council, which began in Feb., 2009. There are two systems of voting in the Security Council. On procedural matters the affirmative vote of any nine members is necessary, but on substantive matters the nine affirmative votes required must include those of the five permanent members. This requirement of Big Five unanimity embodies the so-called veto. In practice the council has, on most substantive matters, not treated an abstention by a permanent member as a veto. In two situations, however, those of recommending applicants for UN membership and of approving proposed amendments to the charter, the actual concurrence of all permanent members has been required. The veto has prevented much substantive action by the UN, but it embodies the reality that resolution of major crises requires agreement of the major powers. Under the charter the council may take measures on any danger to world peace. It may act upon complaint of a member or of a nonmember, on notification by the secretary-general or by the General Assembly, or of its own volition. In general the council considers matters of two sorts. The first is "disputes" (or situations that may give rise to them) that might endanger peace. Here the council is limited to making recommendations to the parties after it has exhausted other methods of reaching a solution. In the case of more serious matters, such as "threats to the peace," "breaches of the peace," and "acts of aggression," the council may take enforcement measures. These may range from full or partial rupture of economic or diplomatic relations to military operations of any scope deemed necessary. By the terms of the charter, the UN was forbidden to intervene in matters "which are essentially … domestic," but this limitation was not intended to hinder Security Council measures to prevent threats to peace. The charter was intentionally ambiguous regarding domestic issues that could also be construed as threats to peace and left a potential opening for intervention in domestic issues that threaten to have dangerous international repercussions. HistoryOriginsThe earliest concrete plan for the formation of a new world organization was begun under the aegis of the U.S. State Department late in 1939. The name United Nations was coined by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1941 to describe the countries fighting against the Axis. It was first used officially on Jan. 1, 1942, when 26 states joined in the Declaration by the United Nations, pledging themselves to continue their joint war effort and not to make peace separately. The need for an international organization to replace the League of Nations was first stated officially on Oct. 30, 1943, in the Moscow Declaration, issued by China, Great Britain, the United States, and the USSR. At the Dumbarton Oaks Conference (Aug.–Oct., 1944), those four countries drafted specific proposals for a charter for the new organization, and at the Yalta ConferenceYalta Conference, It was decided to locate the UN headquarters in the E United States. In Dec., 1946, the General Assembly accepted the $8.5 million gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., to buy a tract of land along the East River, New York City, for its headquarters. The principal buildings there, the Secretariat, the General Assembly, and the Conference Building, were completed in 1952. The Dag Hammarskjöld Memorial Library was dedicated in 1961. Original Vision and Cold War RealitiesIn practice the UN has not evolved as was first envisaged. Originally it was composed largely of the Allies of World War II, mainly European countries, Commonwealth countries, and nations of the Americas. It was conceived as an organization of "peace-loving" nations, who were combining to prevent future aggression and for other humanitarian purposes. Close cooperation among members was expected; the Security Council especially was expected to work in relative unanimity. Hopes for essential accord were soon dashed by the frictions of the cold warcold war, The charter had envisaged a regular military force available to the Security Council and directed the creation of the Military Staff Committee to make appropriate plans. The committee—consisting of the chiefs of staff (or their deputies) of the Big Five—was unable to reach agreement, with the USSR and the other four states on opposing sides; thus no regular forces were established. The same split frustrated the activities of two special Security Council bodies, the Atomic Energy Commission and the Commission on Conventional Armaments. Hence no arrangements were concluded for regulating the production of atomic bombs or reducing other types of armaments (see disarmament, nucleardisarmament, nuclear, There were some early instances of Soviet cooperation with the United States and other powers that allowed for UN successes in restoring or preserving peace. These included the settlement (1946) of the complaint of Syria and Lebanon that France and Great Britain were illegally occupying their territory; the partitioning of Palestine (see IsraelIsrael Growing Activity of the AssemblyIn reaction to the limitations that the cold war imposed on the Security Council, the United States, Britain, France, and other nations tried to develop the General Assembly beyond its original scope. In the assembly the United States and Great Britain had strong support from among the Commonwealth and Latin American countries and generally commanded a majority. The Soviet Union could muster only a smaller bloc, sufficient to create debate between East and West but less effective in voting. Of more importance were procedures evolved in the Korean crisis in 1950. At that time the Soviet Union was boycotting the Security Council because of the UN refusal to admit the People's Republic of China as a member. Since the USSR was not present to cast a veto, the Security Council was enabled to establish armed forces to repel the North Korean attack on South Korea (see Korean WarKorean War, Some areas were opened for UN intervention, however, where world opinion and great power responsiveness favored it. In the struggle for independence in Morocco, Algeria, and elsewhere, the ruling colonial powers claimed these conflicts to be domestic; with their seats on the Security Council they were in a position to veto assembly resolutions, and with the official governments of rebellious territories under their control they were enabled to forestall UN intervention. In the Hungarian revolt (1956), requests that the USSR withdraw its troops from Hungary and that UN observers be admitted to the country were rejected by the Soviet Union. In the Suez crisis (1956), however, the General Assembly resolution for an immediate cease-fire and for withdrawal of invading forces was heeded by Great Britain, France, and Israel (see Arab-Israeli WarsArab-Israeli Wars, Expanding Role of the Secretary-GeneralParallel to the growing activity of the assembly was the expanding role of the secretary-general. Trygve Lie, as secretary-general, made vigorous efforts to muster world opinion in such difficulties as the Korean crisis, but his labeling of North Korea as the aggressor earned him Soviet enmity and thus limited his effectiveness. Under the "quiet diplomacy" of Dag Hammarskjöld the secretary-generalship gained greater scope. The secretary-general, not the deadlocked Security Council, was entrusted with organizing and establishing UN forces in the Suez crisis. He worked closely with the General Assembly on other issues. In 1958, when an assembly resolution asking for a strong force of UN observers in Lebanon had been vetoed by the council, the secretary-general nevertheless followed the assembly's recommendation. Beyond such missions Hammarskjöld interpreted his office as responsible for preserving peace even when the assembly itself was deadlocked and could issue no definite instructions. In practice he operated largely under a General Assembly mandate but frequently took executive steps that could not be completely detailed by instructions. Thus the office of secretary-general was evolving as the UN's de facto executive authority in matters of international conflict, and the Security Council began to meet much less frequently. Effects of a Growing MembershipBy the late 1950s the UN was being revolutionized by a change in membership. Since the inception of the UN there had been a steady growth of feeling that the organization should comprise all the nations of the world. But new membership was long blocked by East-West rivalry; each side was antagonistic to admission of new members unfavorable to its views, and as non-Communist countries outnumbered Communist ones the USSR was especially intransigent. From 1947 to 1955 only Yemen (1947), Pakistan (1947), Myanmar (1948), Israel (1949), and Indonesia (1950) gained admission. The way to a compromise was led by Canada in 1955; 16 new members were admitted in that year, and thereafter expansion was rapid. Accompanying expansion came voting realignment. The clear majority of the United States and its allies disappeared as the Afro-Asian group of nations (see Third WorldThird World, The changed nature of the UN was revealed in UN Africa policy in the early 1960s. The UN acted strongly in the crisis in the CongoCongo, Democratic Republic of the, UN action in the Congo and later in sending peacekeeping forces to Cyprus (1964) demonstrated a willingness to intervene in basically internal situations, both to restore order and to prevent the spread of disorder to neighboring states. This willingness was especially evident in the attention paid to the remaining colonial areas, mainly in Africa. The UN repeatedly condemned the colonial policies of Portugal (until that country began to free its colonies after the 1974 coup) and the racial policies of South Africa and Rhodesia, against which severe economic sanctions were applied. Diminished UN Influence and Its Uncertain RevivalHaving lost its automatic majority in the assembly, the United States joined the Soviet Union in limiting UN power and authority, mainly by keeping major issues within the purview of the Security Council and the veto, with inaction the usual result. There was a corresponding decline in the freedom of movement allowed the secretary-general. In the wake of Hammarskjöld's Congo operation and accidental death, the Soviet Union's "troika" plan for a three-person secretary-generalship—an Eastern, a Western, and a neutralist member, each with a veto—was a sign that the USSR would not tolerate another activist secretary-general. Although its plan was defeated, the USSR's goal was largely achieved, since succeeding secretaries-general avoided actions that might be controversial. Severe financial pressures have also served to restrict UN action. A number of countries, including the USSR, have refused to pay for UN actions, such as the Congo operation, not directly approved by the Security Council. The United States successfully pushed for a reduction of its assessment to 25% of the UN budget in 1977, instead of one third or more, but has still been in substantial arrears. (By the late 1990s the problem of U.S. arrears had grown so great that the United States was in danger of losing its vote in the General Assembly.) Finally, the major powers have tended to deal with each other outside the framework of the UN. While certain agreements in peripheral areas of disarmament and international cooperation have been worked out within the UN—e.g., the peaceful use of atomic energy (see Atomic Energy Agency, InternationalAtomic Energy Agency, International (IAEA), As a result, until 1991 the UN played a relatively secondary role in most world crises, including the Arab-Israeli Wars of 1967 and 1973; the India-Pakistan War of 1971; the Vietnam War; and the Afghanistan War. However, with Soviet cooperation, the UN played a major role approving action in the Persian Gulf in 1991 to drive Iraq from Kuwait, and it actively supervised the subsequent cease-fire, embargo, and removal of strategic weapons from Iraq (see Persian Gulf WarPersian Gulf Wars, Since the early 1970s, the UN expanded its activity in the development of less developed countries. The UN and its related agencies have had a significant impact in disease control, aid to refugees, and technological cooperation. It has provided a mechanism through which developed countries can jointly contribute with a minimum of national antagonism and from which less developed countries can receive aid with a minimum of suspicion and resentment. The UN has also been active in setting standards of human dignity and freedom, such as in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the establishment of international labor standards, and has been a forum for discussion on some environmental issues, such as at the "Earth Summit" in 1992. The current UN is an all but universal global institution. Its peacekeeping forces were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1988, and in 2001 the UN itself, along with Secretary-General Annan, was awarded the prize. Beginning in the 1990s, the UN was increasingly involved in peacekeeping efforts throughout the world. Although the UN played a subsidiary role in the Persian Gulf WarPersian Gulf Wars, The Security Council's assertiveness in enforcing the Gulf War cease-fire resolutions in the early 1990s seemed indicative of a new vigor. Later divisions on the council over that issue, however, and limited success at times with respect to peacekeeping in Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti, Sierra Leone, and Côte d'Ivore indicate that, unless the parties overseen by such forces are desirous of peace, perhaps the council can assert itself successfully only when the great powers are convinced that their interests are at stake. The fact was made all-too-obvious by the divisions that emerged between the United States and Britain, on one side, and France, Russia, and China over whether to approve military action against Iraq in 2003. Other divisions hampered the UN's ability to develop (2007) a fully workable peacekeeping mission in Sudan and Chad, where rebellion in Sudan's Darfur region and bordering parts of Chad created large numbers of refugees beginning in 2003. On the other hand, the UN peacekeeping mission along the Eritrea-Ethiopia border (2000–2008) was ended after the two benefiting nations undermined it. In an effort to ensure that UN peacekeeping missions that are mounted are effective, Annan pushed for forces that were large enough to be able to enforce the peace, though that was not always possible. UN peacekeeping forces have also become more assertive about using force to protect themselves and civilians and more active in enforcing the peace. In 2011, in response to fighting in Libya, the Security Council authorized a no-fly zone in Libya to protect civilians and imposed sanctions on the government, but the NATO-Arab mission enforcing the zone also acted at times in apparent support of the rebels, who ultimately overthrew the government. A peace mission to Syria in 2012, which only involved UN observers, was not successful in stemming the Arab SpringArab Spring, A related and pressing problem has been the financial crisis created by the arrears owed by the United States and other nations, a crisis exacerbated by the expense of increased peacekeeping operations. Even as the nations of the world have been expanding the UN's role as peacekeeper, its ability to fund such operations has been hampered by nonpayment of UN dues. American dissatisfaction with the UN has led to opposition within Congress to payment of UN dues and resulted in unyielding U.S. opposition to the reelection of Boutros-Ghali as secretary-general. Kofi Annan, who succeeded Boutros-Ghali in 1997, worked to streamline UN operations and reduce costs, in part to restore American confidence and interest in the organization. In 1999 the U.S. Congress passed legislation that would pay some of the nation's back dues, but it also called for a further reduction in the assessment that the United States is expected to pay. An agreement in Dec., 2000, called for a reduction in U.S. dues to 22% of the UN's budget. In 2000, U.S. arrears had reached $1.3 billion, according to UN calculations, but by the end of 2004 that had been reduced by more than 80%. In 2004 the UN's reputation was tarnished by revelations about corruption in the oil-for-food program that allowed Iraq, beginning in 1996 and ending after the U.S.-led invasion, to export oil to generate income that was to be used to purchase food and other humanitarian relief. Saddam Hussein's government received sizable kickbacks through the program (although the money Iraq earned through smuggling oil abroad was much greater), and many outside Iraq illicitly profited as well. A detailed UN investigation into the program, led by Paul VolckerVolcker, Paul Adolph, Also in 2005 Annan attempted to win international support for a group of comprehensive reforms within the United Nations, but agreement proved difficult to secure. UN members did approve the establishment of a Peacebuilding Commission, intended to aid war-torn nations in reestablishing political stability and economic growth. In Dec., 2005, under pressure from the United States and other wealthy nations, UN members approved a two-year budget with a spending cap for 2006 that was expected to be reached in June of that year. The intention was to link the approval of further spending to passage of management reforms by the General Assembly. The General Assembly approved (Mar., 2006) the replacement of the UN Human Rights Commission with a Human Rights Council. The move was designed to restore credibility to the UN's human rights body, which was criticized for having included among its member nations many countries that had been denounced for violations of human rights, but the new body soon faced similar criticisms. In May the Assembly refused to approve the centerpiece of Annan's ambitious administrative reform plans for the United Nations; some modest reforms were approved in July. The budget cap, meanwhile, had been removed in June by the General Assembly. Annan was succeeded as secretary-general by South Korean diplomat Ban Ki-Moon in 2007; he served for two terms. Ban, who also focused on reforming and restructuring the United Nations, was less of an activist international leader than Annan. Although UN peacekeepers kept the crisis in Côte d'Ivoire from worsening in 2011 and then aided in the installation of the country's internationally recognized president, elsewhere peacekeeping forces had more limited or even negligible effects. In Haiti, UN peacekeepers unintentionally introduced (2010) cholera into the island nation, leading to the deaths of more than 9,000, and the United Nations for a long time denied its forces were the cause. Increasing discord on the Security Council between Russia and Western nations during Ban's tenure especially hampered UN attempts to intervene in the Syrian civil war to save civilian lives. The most notable UN achievement under Ban was most likely the signing of the Paris climate change agreement in 2015, which included the broadest and most far-reaching program so far to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. António Guterres, a former Portuguese premier and UN High Commissioner for Refugees succeeded Ban as secretary-general in 2017. BibliographyThe United Nations publishes a series of comprehensive yearbooks (1947–). See also M. Waters, The United Nations (1967); L. M. Goodrich, E. I. Hambro, and A. P. Simons, Charter of the United Nations: Commentary and Documents (3d ed. 1969); D. W. Wainhouse, International Peacekeeping at the Crossroads (1973); L. M. Goodrich, The United Nations in a Changing World (1974); D. P. Moynihan, A Dangerous Place (1978); Conference on United Nations Procedures, Global Negotiations and Economic Development (1980); E. Luard, A History of the United Nations (2 vol., 1982–89); J. P. Humphrey, Human Rights and the United Nations (1983); P. R. Baehr and L. Gordenker, The United Nations: Reality and Ideal (1984); Department of Public Information, The United Nations and Human Rights (1984); R. Riggs and J. Plano, The United Nations: International Organization and World Politics (1987); P. J. Fromuth, ed., A Successor Vision: The United Nations of Tomorrow (1988); A. Roberts, United Nations, Divided World: The UN's Role in International Relations (1988); R. Berridge, Return to the United Nations: UN Diplomacy in Regional Conflicts (1991); S. Meisler, United Nations: The First Fifty Years (1995); T. Hoopes and D. Brinkley, FDR and the Creation of the U.N. (1997); S. C. Schlesinger, Act of Creation: The Founding of the United Nations (2003); M. Mazower, No Enchanted Palace: The End of Empire and the Ideological Origins of the United Nations (2009); R. Jolly et al., UN Ideas That Changed the World (2009). United Nations(Un) an international organization whose main function is to maintain and strengthen international peace and security and to develop cooperation among nations. The principles of the organization’s activities and its structure were worked out during World War II by the principal participants in the anti-Hitler coalition. The most important stages in the creation of the UN were the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, USA, and Great Britain in 1943, the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in 1944, the Yalta Conference in 1945, and the San Francisco Conference in 1945. At the conference in San Francisco on June 26, 1945, representatives of 50 nations signed the UN Charter; these states and Poland are considered to be the original members of the UN. The Charter came into force on Oct. 24, 1945, after the Soviet Union, the USA, Great Britain, France, China, and most of the other signatories had filed their instruments of ratification. October 24 has been designated as United Nations Day. As a result of efforts of the USSR and all progressive forces, the UN Charter contains such democratic principles of international cooperation as the sovereign equality of all UN members, the settlement of international disputes by peaceful means, the renunciation in international relations of the threat or use of force in any way inconsistent with the aims of the UN, and nonintervention by the UN in matters that essentially fall under the domestic jurisdiction of a state. Membership in the UN is open to all peace-loving states that are able and willing to fulfill the obligations of the Charter. States are admitted by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council. As of Mar. 1, 1977, the UN had 147 members, including the 51 original members and 87 states admitted to the UN between 1946 and 1976 (see Table 1). The principal organs of the UN are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat. The General Assembly has the right to discuss any question within the scope of the Charter or affecting the powers and functions of any UN organ and to make recommendations where this does not conflict with the special powers of the Security Council. The Security Council bears the main responsibility for maintaining international peace and security, and all UN members
are required to obey its decisions. It functions according to the principle of unanimity of the permanent members—the USSR, USA, United Kingdom, France, and China. In accordance with the UN Charter, in cases of a threat to peace, violations of peace, or acts of aggression, when other measures may prove or have proved to be inadequate, the Security Council has the right to take such actions with the armed forces of UN member states placed at its disposal as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security. The Security Council has exclusive jurisdiction over all questions involving the creation and functioning of UN armed forces. Under the direction of the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council performs UN functions in the sphere of international economic and social cooperation. The Trusteeship Council, also under the authority of the General Assembly, supervises the fulfillment of the main functions of the international trusteeship system by states administering trust territories. The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the UN. The Secretariat is composed of the secretary-general— the UN’s chief administrative official—and an international staff. On Jan. 1, 1972, K. Waldheim of Austria was appointed secretary-general. Among the large number of UN bodies are the International Law Commission, the Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, the Special Committee on the Situation With Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, and the Conference on Trade and Development. Related to the UN by special arrangements are 14 specialized agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and various other organizations. (The structure of the UN is shown in Figure 1.) The UN headquarters are in New York, and the organization’s official languages are English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, and Chinese. The work of the UN. The decisions and actions of the UN reflect the evolving balance of forces among the nations of the world and the predominant trends in international affairs. The struggle in the international arena between the forces of socialism and democracy and the forces of aggression and imperialist reaction is also taking place at the UN. Certain positive results achieved by the UN reflect the growing might and international influence of the Soviet Union and the entire socialist community. Since its founding, the UN has adopted, on the initiative of and through the persistent efforts of the USSR and other socialist countries, a number of important resolutions relating to disarmament and the strengthening of international security. Among them are resolutions on the principles defining the overall regulation and reduction of armaments (1946), on the surrender and punishment of war criminals (1946), on measures against war propaganda (1947), on measures to establish and strengthen peaceful and good-neighbor relations among states (1957 and 1958), and on universal and total disarmament (1959). The USSR and other socialist countries may also be credited with the UN’s adoption of the Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Internal Affairs of States and on the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty (1965), the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security (1970), and the Declaration on the Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation Among States in Accordance With the UN Charter (1970). Other measures adopted by the UN through the efforts of the USSR and the other socialist countries include resolutions in favor of convening a world disarmament conference (1971–76), a resolution on the nonuse of force in international relations and the prohibition in perpetuity of the use of nuclear weapons (1972), a resolution on the reduction of the military budgets of the permanent member states of the Security Council by 10 percent and the use of a portion of the funds saved to provide assistance to developing countries (1973), a resolution on a comprehensive nuclear test ban (1975), a resolution on an international treaty prohibiting the development of new types of weapons of mass annihilation (1975), and a resolution on the nonuse of force in international relations (1976). The General Assembly approved the 1963 treaty banning nuclear tests in three environments, the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, the Seabed Treaty, the Convention on Bacteriological Weapons, and the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques. The General Assembly’s resolutions directed against colonialism, racism, and national oppression are of great positive significance. These include the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (1948), the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (1960), the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1963), the Program of Action for the Full Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (1970), and the Convention on a Halt to the Crime of Apartheid and Punishment for It (1973). The discussion in UN organs of questions relating to the national liberation struggle of peoples and the protection of the national sovereignty of independent states has helped restrain the forces of aggression and international arbitrary behavior. For example, the Security Council played a positive role in the cessation of foreign intervention in Indonesia in 1946–49. The UN provided some assistance in the expulsion of the British-French-Israeli aggressors from Egypt in 1956 and contributed to the abolition of colonial regimes in Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Cyprus, West Irian, and other parts of the world. Containment of aggressive actions by imperialist forces was facilitated by the Security Council’s discussions of the intervention of the USA and Great Britain in Lebanon and Jordan (1958), of the USA’s hostile actions against Cuba (1960–62), of the threat to Cyprus’ independence and territorial integrity (1964), and of the USA’s intervention in the Dominican Republic (1965). Of great importance are the Security Council’s resolution 242, adopted on Nov. 22, 1967, concerning a political settlement in the Middle East; resolution 338, passed on Oct. 22, 1973, concerning the cessation of hostilities and the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East; and the 1968 resolution on the establishment of economic sanctions with regard to Southern Rhodesia. However, the forces supporting the aggressors and racist regimes are obstructing the implementation of these decisions. Useful resolutions and declarations have been worked out and adopted in the economic, social, and legal fields. Among the most important are the resolutions on the inalienable sovereignty of states over their own natural resources (1952, 1962, 1966), the resolutions on democratic land reforms (1954, 1959), the Principles of International Trade Relations and Trade Policy (1964), the Declaration of Social Progress and Development (1969), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Convention on the Political Rights of Women (1952), the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959), and the Convention on the Inapplicability of the Statute of Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity (1968). The opponents of détente have resisted the adoption of resolutions aimed at strengthening international peace and security. Until the mid-1950’s the Western powers, relying on the votes of states dependent on them, frequently succeeded in blocking Soviet proposals, for example, the proposal to prohibit atomic weapons and reduce armed forces and armaments (1948) and the proposal for a pact among the five powers to strengthen peace (1949). The Western powers also succeeded in putting through resolutions dictated by the interests of imperialist policy. The UN flag was used to cover up American aggression in Korea in 1950, and attempts were made to abolish the principle of unanimity of the permanent members of the Security Council and to transfer the powers of that body to the General Assembly (the General Assembly’s resolution Uniting for Peace, 1950). The change in the world’s balance of forces in favor of socialism led to a substantial improvement in the situation at the UN. In December 1955 the Western powers’ resistance to the admission of a number of socialist states to the UN was broken. Moreover, in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s a large group of new African and Asian states joined the UN, and they have supported important decisions aimed at strengthening world peace and security. Whereas in the 1950’s and 1960’s the Western powers had sometimes managed to use the UN to promote policies hostile to the socialist states and to defend their colonial interests, for example, the discussion of the Hungarian question in 1956 and the UN operation in the Congo in 1960–64, by the mid-1960’s they increasingly found themselves in the minority during discussions of important political questions. Despite its shortcomings and weaknesses, the UN has contributed to the realization of the aims and principles proclaimed in its Charter. The highly important decisions it has adopted on the initiative of the USSR and other socialist countries have promoted the strengthening of world peace and security. The UN has helped defuse a number of acute international crises. Détente has given the UN a greater opportunity to wield a positive influence on international developments. The Soviet Union and the other countries of the socialist community support the UN as an important instrument for assisting the settlement of current international political problems and advocate an increase in its effectiveness and authority, based on rigorous compliance with the UN Charter. PUBLICATIONOrganizatsiia Ob”edinennykh Natsii: Sb. dokumentov. Moscow, 1956.REFERENCESKrylov, S. B. Istoriia sozdaniia Organizatsii Ob”edinennykh Natsii [2d ed.]. Moscow, 1960.Morozov, G. I. Organizatsiia Ob”edinennykh Natsii. Moscow, 1962. Sovetskii Soiuz v Organizatsii Ob”edinennykh Natsii, vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1965. Sovetskii Soiuz i Organizatsiia Ob”edinennykh Natsii (1961–1965 gg.). Moscow, 1968. OON i mezhdunarodnoe ekonomicheskoe sotrudnichestvo. Moscow, 1970. OON: itogi, tendentsii, perspektivy. Moscow, 1970. Sovetskii Soiuz i Organizatsiia Ob”edinennykh Natsii, 1966–1970 gg. Moscow, 1975. Shkunaev, V. G. Organizatsiia Ob”edinnykh Natsii v sovremennom mire. Moscow, 1976. Goodrich, L. M., and E. Hambro. Charter of the United Nations, 2nd ed. Boston, 1949. Kelsen, H. The Law of the United Nations. London, 1951. Goodrich, L. M., and A. P. Simons. The United Nations and Maintenance of International Peace and Security. Washington, 1955. V. V. LOZINSKII United Nationsa term commonly used to designate the states that were members of the anti-Hitler coalition during World War II and that created the United Nations Organization in 1945. In written works and in official publications, the term is also used to denote the United Nations Organization. United NationsUnited Nationswww.unsystem.org United NationsUnited NationsAs of 2003, The United Nations (UN) is an organization of 191 states that strives to attain international peace and security, promotes fundamental Human Rights and equal rights for men and women, and encourages social progress. The successor to the League of Nations, the United Nations stems from the 1941 Inter-Allied Declaration signed by representatives of 14 countries (not including the United States) and the Atlantic Charter signed by President franklin d. roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom. In 1942, 26 countries met in Washington, D.C., and signed the Declaration by United Nations in a cooperative effort to triumph over German dictator Adolf Hitler during World War II. In addition, wartime conferences in Moscow, Tehran, Yalta, and Washington, D.C. (at the Dumbarton Oaks estate in Georgetown), laid the foundation of the future organization. On June 25, 1945, delegates from 50 nations met in San Francisco and unanimously adopted the Charter of the United Nations. By October 24, 1945, China, France, the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and a majority of the charter's other signatories had ratified it, and the United Nations was officially established. Shortly thereafter the U.S. Congress unanimously invited the United Nations to set up headquarters in the United States, and the organization chose New York City as its permanent home. The United Nations is open to all "peaceloving" states, a requirement construed liberally over the years. The United Nations consists of six major organs: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Secretariat, the International Court of Justice (World Court), and the Trusteeship Council. The Trusteeship Council, which was established to encourage governments to prepare trust territories for self-government or independence, has largely completed its original task of supervising 11 non-self-governing territories. In 1994 the Security Council terminated the Trusteeship Agreement of Belau, a trust territory in the western Pacific that had been administered by the United States. As all other trust territories had previously obtained independence or self-government, the Trustee-ship Council amended its rules and as of 2003 meets only as situations requiring action arise. The main deliberative body of the United Nations, the General Assembly, somewhat resembles a parliament; each nation has one vote. The General Assembly has no power to compel any action by a member state, however. It only has the right to discuss and make recommendations on matters within the scope of the UN Charter. Headed by a president elected at each session, the assembly ordinarily meets from mid-September to mid-December; other sessions are held as necessary. Ordinary matters require only a majority vote, but important matters, such as recommendations on peace and security, election of members to the Security Council or the Economic and Social Council, or admission of member states, require a two-thirds majority. The assembly also approves the UN budget (including peacekeeping operations), sets policies, determines programs for the UN Secretariat, and, in conjunction with the Security Council's recommendation, appoints the UN secretary-general, the chief administrative officer of the United Nations. The Security Council has the primary responsibility for maintaining peace and security. Five permanent members—the United States, China, France, the Russian Federation (replacing the Soviet Union), and the United Kingdom—join ten other members elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms. A representative of each member of the Security Council must always be present at UN headquarters so that the council can convene any time peace is threatened. Unlike the other UN organs, member states are obligated under the charter to carry out economic and diplomatic decisions by the council. All decisions require nine votes, but on all questions except procedural matters, the permanent members must vote unanimously or abstain. This Veto power has been exercised many times and can seriously undermine the Security Council's ability to take bold steps in tenuous situations. The Security Council usually seeks peaceful means such as mediation or settlement when international peace is threatened. Peacekeepers may be sent to prevent the outbreak of a conflict, or the council may issue a cease-fire directive once fighting has begun. The Security Council may impose economic sanctions and order collective military action. The United Nations was involved in 56 peacekeeping operations between 1948 and 2003; military personnel are drawn from member states; more than 750,000 persons have served. Almost 1,800 peacekeepers have lost their lives. In 2003, 14 UN operations deployed approximately 37,000 personnel, including troops, civilian police, and military observers, from 89 countries. The reality of UN peacekeeping efforts often falls short of the organization's ideals. For example, in the early 1990s UN troops attempted to restore order and provide humanitarian relief during the civil war in Somalia. Warring Somali factions greatly impeded the troops' efforts, however, and in 1995 the UN forces withdrew without succeeding in their mission. In addition, UN members sometimes pledge support for a mission but fail to deliver tangible evidence of that support. In 1994 the secretary-general determined that 35,000 troops would be needed to deter attacks on so-called safe areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Member states authorized fewer than 8,000 troops and took a year to provide them. Nevertheless, the United Nations has had some successes: its operations in Kashmir, Cyprus, Lebanon, Suez, Cambodia, and Mozambique have been highly praised. The UN established six new missions in 1998–2000 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, East Timor, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, and Ethiopia-Eritrea to deal with conflicts and crisis. The United Nations also monitored or observed elections in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti, and South Africa. The Economic and Social Council, which has 54 members, coordinates the economic and social work of the United Nations and its specialized agencies and institutions. Among other tasks, the council recommends and directs activities to promote economic growth in developing countries, promotes the observance of human rights, and attempts to foster cooperation in creating housing, controlling population growth, and preventing crime. Fourteen specialized agencies are separate, autonomous organizations connected to the United Nations by specific agreements, mainly through the Economic and Social Council. Specialized agencies include the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund (originally the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund), is a semi-autonomous organization reporting to the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council. UNICEF has programs in 144 countries that address children's needs, including immunization, nutrition, primary health care, and education. A joint UNICEF-WHO program claims to have immunized 80 percent of the world's children against polio, tetanus, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, and tuberculosis. The United Nations also provides humanitarian aid for countries stricken by war, natural disaster, or famine through UNICEF, the World Food Programme, and other UN programs. In addition, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, part of the Secretariat, helps assist and protect many millions displaced by strife. With a staff numbering in the thousands, the Secretariat carries out the United Nations dayto-day functions in New York and throughout the world. Headed by the secretary-general, the Secretariat's staff represents nearly every member country. The Security Council recommends a candidate for secretary-general to the General Assembly, which appoints the secretary-general for a five-year term. In addition to administrative duties, the secretary-general plays an active role in worldwide peacemaking through diplomacy, by employing mediators, or by sending representatives to negotiate settlements or otherwise assist in resolving conflicts. The International Court of Justice, also known as the World Court, is the judicial branch of the United Nations and meets in The Hague, Netherlands. The General Assembly and the Security Council elect its 15 judges for nine-year terms. Jurisdiction applies only to countries, not individuals. Unless required by a treaty, a country is not obligated to submit to the court's jurisdiction. However, a country agreeing to have a matter determined by the World Court is obligated to comply with the court's decision. Competing needs, shifting alliances, problems of managing a huge worldwide bureaucracy, and the inevitable politics of the organization make it difficult for the United Nations to attain the goals set forth in its charter. Financial difficulties present further challenges. The United Nations is funded by dues from member states and is prohibited from borrowing from financial institutions. By the late 1990s the United States was responsible for a substantial part of the debt by failing to pay its dues. However, after the september 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, President george w. bush moved quickly to pay off the debt. By December 2001 the UN had received $1.67 billion from the United States, which amounted to payment of two-thirds of the debt. These payments, coupled with the payment of almost $5 billion of annual dues by members placed the UN in better financial shape that it had been in many years. It established a $150 million reserve fund for peacekeeping missions because of its improved financial condition. Further readingsDaws, Sam, and Paul Taylor with Sara Lodge, eds. 2000. The United Nations. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate/Dartmouth. Holtje, James. 1995. Divided It Stands: Can the United Nations Work? Atlanta: Turner Publishing. Ross, Stewart. 2004. United Nations. Chicago: Raintree. United Nations. Available online at <www.un.org> (accessed August 16, 2003). Ziring, Lawrence, Robert E. Riggs, and Jack C. Plano. 2000. The United Nations: International Organization and World Politics. Fort Worth, Tex.: Harcourt College Publishers. Cross-referencesInternational Law; International Monetary Fund. United Nations (UN)an international organization founded by charter in 1945 after the Second World War. Leaving aside its enormous political influence, its charter obliges it, among other things, to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, which founding objects clearly establish law as an important aspect of its work. It comprises six main bodies: the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice, and Secretariat. So far as narrow legal analysis is concerned, the United Nations most resembles a legal state when it applies sanctions. The Security Council may require members of the United Nations to apply sanctions against any state found guilty of threatening the peace, creating a breach of the peace, engaging in an act of aggression, or failing to perform the obligations incumbent upon it under a judgment of the International Court of Justice. In this way there is the appearance of a full legal system operating under the rule of law. The only problem is that it is a practically restricted system with, for example, the permanent unelected members of the Security Council being able to veto any action they dislike.United NationsUnited NationsUnited Nationsan international organization consisting of most of the world's countries whose primary objective is the maintenance of world peace and security and the promotion of social harmony and economic development. The UN operates a number of satellite agencies, including the Food and Agriculture Organization, the INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION and the UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT, and works closely with other international bodies such as the WORLD BANK and the WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION.United Nations (UN)an association of states that have agreed to abide by the principles originally laid down in a charter (the UN Charter). Its main objectives are the maintenance of international peace and security, the upholding of fundamental human rights in all nations and the promotion of social harmonization and progress amongst all nations. The UN Charter was drawn up by 50 nations and officially created on 24 October 1945. The principal departments of the UN are the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, a Trustee-ship Council and a Secretariat. There are also a number of subsidiaries and affiliated bodies working in accordance with the Charter, such as the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF), the FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO), the WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO), the WORLD BANK, the UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (UNCTAD) and the INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE (ILO).United Nations
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