Polianskii, Anatolii Trofimovich
Polianskii, Anatolii Trofimovich
Born Jan. 29, 1928, in the village of Avdeevka, in present-day Donets Oblast, Ukrainian SSR. Soviet architect. Doctor of architecture (1970); member of the CPSU (from 1953).
From 1944 to 1950, Polianskii studied under Iu. N. Emel’-ianov at the Moscow Architectural Institute. In 1958 he became the director of the Central Scientific Research Institute for Experimental Planning of Spas. Since 1973 he has taught at the Moscow Architectural Institute; he taught there previously from 1955 to 1960.
Polianskii finds various ways of using standard factory-made components in his structures and makes extensive use of color. He is interested in diverse plays of mass and space, silhouettes, and rhythms. Polianskii has collaborated on the following projects: the USSR pavilion at the Brussels World’s Fair (1958), several small camps of the Artek Camp in the Crimea (P. To-gliatti Sea Camp, 1960–61; Coastal Camp, 1960–64, State Prize of the USSR, 1967; Mountain Camp, 1967-), the embassies of the USSR in Cairo (1965) and Stockholm (1966), and the House of Youth in Tselinograd (1974).
Polianskii has been awarded two orders and a medal.