

单词 queen


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Q0022800 (kwēn)n.1. a. The wife or widow of a king.b. A female sovereign.2. a. A woman considered preeminent in a particular field: the reigning queen of hip-hop.b. A woman chosen as the winner of a contest or the honorary head of an event: a beauty queen; the queen of the prom.3. Something having eminence or supremacy in a given domain and personified as a woman: Paris is regarded as the queen of cities.4. Abbr. Q Games a. The most powerful chess piece, able to move in any direction over any number of empty squares in a straight line.b. A playing card bearing the figure of a queen, ranking above the jack and below the king.5. a. The sole reproductive female, or one of several such females, in a colony of eusocial insects, such as bees, wasps, ants, or termites.b. The reproductive female in a colony of naked mole rats.6. A mature female cat, especially one kept for breeding purposes.7. Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a gay man.8. A queen-size bed.v. queened, queen·ing, queens v.tr.1. To make (a woman) a queen.2. Games To raise (a pawn) to queen in chess.v.intr. Games To become a queen in chess.adj. Of or relating to a queen-size bed: queen sheets; a queen bed skirt.Idiom: queen it To act like a queen; domineer: queens it over the whole family.
[Middle English quene, from Old English cwēn; see gwen- in Indo-European roots.]Word History: On paper, a queen and a quean are easily distinguished. In speech, however, it is easy to imagine how the complete homophony of the two words, both referring to female persons, could lead to embarrassing double-entendres—a fact which has probably contributed to a decline in use of the word quean in modern times. How did this troubling homophony come about? Queen comes from Old English cwēn, pronounced (kwān) and meaning "queen, wife of a king." The Old English word descends from Germanic *kwēn-iz, "woman, wife, queen," a derivative of the Germanic root *kwen-, "woman." Modern English quean, on the other hand, descends from another Old English word, cwene, pronounced (kwĕn′ə) and meaning "woman, female, female serf." The Germanic source of cwene is *kwen-ōn-, "woman, wife." This Germanic word is a derivative of the same root *kwen-, "woman, wife," that is the source of Modern English queen. From the eleventh century onward, qwen, the Middle English descendant of Old English cwene, "woman, female serf," and ancestor of Modern English quean, was also used to mean "prostitute." Once established, this pejorative sense of quean drove out its neutral senses, and especially in the 16th and 17th centuries, the word was used almost solely to refer to prostitutes. Around the same time, in many English dialects the pronunciation of queen and quean became identical, leading to the obsolescence of the latter term outside of a few regions. The Germanic root *kwen-, "woman," comes by Grimm's Law from the Indo-European root *gwen-, "woman," which appears in at least two other English words borrowed from elsewhere in the Indo-European family. One is gynecology, from Greek gunē, "woman." Another, less obvious, one is banshee, "woman of the fairies," the wailing female spirit attendant on a death, from Old Irish ben, "woman."


(kwiːn) n1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a female sovereign who is the official ruler or head of state2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the wife or widow of a king3. a woman or a thing personified as a woman considered the best or most important of her kind: a beauty queen; the queen of ocean liners. 4. slang an effeminate male homosexual5. (Zoology) a. the only fertile female in a colony of social insects, such as bees, ants, and termites, from the eggs of which the entire colony developsb. (as modifier): a queen bee. 6. (Zoology) an adult female cat7. (Card Games) one of four playing cards in a pack, one for each suit, bearing the picture of a queen8. (Chess & Draughts) a chess piece, theoretically the most powerful piece, able to move in a straight line in any direction or diagonally, over any number of squaresvb9. (Chess & Draughts) chess to promote (a pawn) to a queen when it reaches the eighth rank10. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (tr) to crown as queen11. (intr) informal (of a gay man) to flaunt one's homosexuality12. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (intr) to reign as queen13. queen it (often foll by over) informal to behave in an overbearing manner[Old English cwēn; related to Old Saxon quān wife, Old Norse kvæn, Gothic qēns wife]


(kwiːn) n (Biography) Ellery (ˈɛlərɪ). pseudonym of Frederic Dannay (1905–82) and Manfred B. Lee (1905–71), US co-authors of detective novels featuring a sleuth also called Ellery Queen



n. 1. a female sovereign or monarch. 2. the wife or consort of a king. 3. a woman, or something personified as a woman, preeminent in some respect: a beauty queen; Athens, the queen of the Aegean. 4. Slang. a. Usually Disparaging and Offensive. (a term used to refer to a male homosexual, esp. one who is flamboyantly campy.) b. drag queen. 5. a playing card bearing a picture of a queen. 6. the most powerful chess piece of either color, able to be moved across any number of empty squares in any direction. 7. a fertile female ant, bee, termite, or wasp. 8. a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter Q. v.i. 9. to reign as queen. 10. to behave in an imperious or pretentious manner (usu. fol. by it). 11. (of a pawn in chess) to become promoted to a queen. v.t. 12. to make a queen of; crown. [before 900; Middle English quene, quen, Old English cwēn woman, queen, c. Old Norse kvān, Gothic qēns] usage: Definition 4a is usually used with disparaging intent and perceived as insulting. However, it is also used by homosexuals as a positive term of self-reference.


n. Ellery, joint pen name of Manfred Bennington Lee and Frederic Dannay.


(kwēn) The fertile, fully developed female in a colony of social bees, ants, or termites. The queen's sole function is to lay eggs.


- A litter-bearing female cat.See also related terms for litter.


Past participle: queened
Gerund: queening
I queen
you queen
he/she/it queens
we queen
you queen
they queen
I queened
you queened
he/she/it queened
we queened
you queened
they queened
Present Continuous
I am queening
you are queening
he/she/it is queening
we are queening
you are queening
they are queening
Present Perfect
I have queened
you have queened
he/she/it has queened
we have queened
you have queened
they have queened
Past Continuous
I was queening
you were queening
he/she/it was queening
we were queening
you were queening
they were queening
Past Perfect
I had queened
you had queened
he/she/it had queened
we had queened
you had queened
they had queened
I will queen
you will queen
he/she/it will queen
we will queen
you will queen
they will queen
Future Perfect
I will have queened
you will have queened
he/she/it will have queened
we will have queened
you will have queened
they will have queened
Future Continuous
I will be queening
you will be queening
he/she/it will be queening
we will be queening
you will be queening
they will be queening
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been queening
you have been queening
he/she/it has been queening
we have been queening
you have been queening
they have been queening
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been queening
you will have been queening
he/she/it will have been queening
we will have been queening
you will have been queening
they will have been queening
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been queening
you had been queening
he/she/it had been queening
we had been queening
you had been queening
they had been queening
I would queen
you would queen
he/she/it would queen
we would queen
you would queen
they would queen
Past Conditional
I would have queened
you would have queened
he/she/it would have queened
we would have queened
you would have queened
they would have queened
Noun1.queen - the only fertile female in a colony of social insects such as bees and ants and termitesqueen - the only fertile female in a colony of social insects such as bees and ants and termites; its function is to lay eggsinsect - small air-breathing arthropodqueen bee - fertile egg-laying female bee
2.queen - a female sovereign rulerqueen - a female sovereign ruler female monarch, queen regnantroyal family, royal house, royal line, royalty - royal persons collectively; "the wedding was attended by royalty"female aristocrat - a woman who is an aristocratQueen of England - the sovereign ruler of Englandking, male monarch, Rex - a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom
3.queen - the wife or widow of a kingroyal family, royal house, royal line, royalty - royal persons collectively; "the wedding was attended by royalty"female aristocrat - a woman who is an aristocratqueen consort - the wife of a reigning kingqueen dowager - the widow of a kingqueen regent - a queen who serves as ruler when the king cannot
4.queen - something personified as a woman who is considered the best or most important of her kind; "Paris is the queen of cities"; "the queen of ocean liners"personification - a person who represents an abstract quality; "she is the personification of optimism"
5.queen - a competitor who holds a preeminent positionworld-beater, kingchallenger, competitor, contender, rival, competition - the contestant you hope to defeat; "he had respect for his rivals"; "he wanted to know what the competition was doing"
6.queen - offensive term for an openly homosexual manqueen - offensive term for an openly homosexual manfag, faggot, fagot, poof, poove, pouf, queer, nance, fairy, pansyderogation, disparagement, depreciation - a communication that belittles somebody or somethinggay man, shirtlifter - a homosexual man
7.queen - one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a queencourt card, face card, picture card - one of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a facedeck of cards, pack of cards, deck - a pack of 52 playing cards
8.queen - (chess) the most powerful piecechess game, chess - a board game for two players who move their 16 pieces according to specific rules; the object is to checkmate the opponent's kingchess piece, chessman - any of 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess
9.queen - an especially large mole rat and the only member of a colony of naked mole rats to bear offspring which are sired by only a few malesqueen mole ratnaked mole rat - fetal-looking colonial rodent of East Africa; neither mole nor rat; they feed on tubers and have a social structure similar to that of honeybees and termites
10.queen - female cattabbydomestic cat, Felis catus, Felis domesticus, house cat - any domesticated member of the genus Felis
Verb1.queen - promote to a queen, as of a pawn in chesspromote - change a pawn for a better piece by advancing it to the eighth row, or change a checker piece for a more valuable piece by moving it to the row closest to your opponent
2.queen - become a queen; "her pawn queened"chess game, chess - a board game for two players who move their 16 pieces according to specific rules; the object is to checkmate the opponent's kingpromote - be changed for a superior chess or checker piece


noun1. sovereign, ruler, monarch, leader, Crown, princess, majesty, head of state, Her Majesty, empress, crowned head the time she met the Queen2. leading light, star, favourite, celebrity, darling, mistress, idol, big name, doyenne the queen of crime writing3. (Informal) homosexual, gay, queer (informal, derogatory), homo (informal, derogatory), jessie (slang), pansy (informal, derogatory), homosexual man, poof (Brit. & Austral. derogatory slang), effeminate man, diva, prima donna, batty boy (slang), camp man, shirt-lifter (derogatory slang), woofter (derogatory slang) What a boring old queen he was.Quotations
"queen: a woman by whom the realm is ruled when there is a king, and through whom it is ruled when there is not" [Ambrose Bierce The Devil's Dictionary]
"I'd like to be a queen of people's hearts, in people's hearts, but I don't see myself being Queen of this country" [Diana, Princess of Wales]


(kwiːn) noun1. a woman who rules a country, who inherits her position by right of birth. the Queen of England; Queen Elizabeth II. 女王 女王2. the wife of a king. The king and his queen were both present. 王后 王后3. a woman who is in some way important, excellent or special. a beauty queen; a movie queen. 出眾的女人 出众的女人4. a playing-card with a picture of a queen on it. I have two aces and a queen. (撲克牌中的)王后 (扑克牌中的)王后 5. an important chess-piece. a bishop, a king and a queen. (國際象棋中的)王后 (国际象棋中的)王后 6. the egg-laying female of certain kinds of insect (especially bees, ants and wasps). 專門產卵的雌蟲(尤指女王蜂、蟻后) 专门产卵的雌虫(尤指女王蜂、蚁后) 7. (slang) a homosexual man who assumes the female role. (俚)扮演女性角色的男同性戀者 (俚)男同性恋的女性角色 ˈqueenly adjective of, like or suitable for, a queen. 女王般的,適合女王的 女王的,适合女王的 queen mother the mother of the reigning king or queen, who was herself once a queen. 皇太后 皇太后




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n. a homosexual male. Tom is getting to be such a queen.
  • bean queen
  • beauty queen
  • bio queen
  • drag queen
  • drama queen
  • faux queen
  • hangar queen
  • ice queen
  • in the days of Queen Dick
  • in the reign of Queen Dick
  • queen
  • Queen Anne is dead
  • Queen Anne's dead
  • queen bee
  • Queen Bey
  • queen it
  • queen it over (one)
  • queen it over somebody
  • Queen's English
  • Queen's weather
  • size queen
  • take the King's/Queen's shilling
  • the King's English
  • the King's/Queen's English
  • the Queen's English
  • the uncrowned king/queen
  • the uncrowned king/queen of (something)
  • turn king's/queen's evidence
  • yasss queen


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1. a female sovereign who is the official ruler or head of state 2. the wife or widow of a king 3. a. the only fertile female in a colony of social insects, such as bees, ants, and termites, from the eggs of which the entire colony develops b. (as modifier): a queen bee 4. an adult female cat 5. one of four playing cards in a pack, one for each suit, bearing the picture of a queen 6. a chess piece, theoretically the most powerful piece, able to move in a straight line in any direction or diagonally, over any number of squares


[kwēn] (invertebrate zoology) A mature, fertile female in a colony of ants, bees, or termites, whose function is to lay eggs.


(dreams)In African folklore, the King is said to be “the one who holds all life, human and cosmic, in his hands; the keystone of society and the universe.” In the modern world, we may not associate the King with ultimate power, knowledge, or wisdom. However, historically the mythical King was highly spiritual, was the center of the wheel of life, and was said to have a regulatory function in the cosmos. Psychologically, the king and the queen are said to be the “archetypes of human perfection.” As a dream symbol, you can understand the king or queen in your dream by realizing that they represent your ability for independence, self-understanding, and self-determination. They also represent inner wealth that will enable you to be your best and help you to achieve your goals. Consciously, you may never have the desire to be a king or queen, but psychologically, these figures are symbolic of our highest potential and our desire to be the “king or queen” of our own world and our own lives. On rare occasions and depending on the details of the dream, the king and queen may represent a powerful force that is unkind and tyrannical.


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A commonly used but derogatory term for a male homosexual, especially one who is flamboyantly effeminate.
Vox populi
A female monarch.


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QUEEN. There are several kinds of queens in some countries. 1. Queen regnant, is a woman who possesses in her own right the executive power of the country.
2. Queen consort, is the wife of a king.
3. Queen dowager is the widow of a king. In the United States there is no one with this title.


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QUEENQuaternary Environment of the Eurasian North
QUEENQuick Uplink, Expandable Executive (NSSC-1)


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  • all
  • noun
  • verb

Synonyms for queen

noun sovereign


  • sovereign
  • ruler
  • monarch
  • leader
  • Crown
  • princess
  • majesty
  • head of state
  • Her Majesty
  • empress
  • crowned head

noun leading light


  • leading light
  • star
  • favourite
  • celebrity
  • darling
  • mistress
  • idol
  • big name
  • doyenne

noun homosexual


  • homosexual
  • gay
  • queer
  • homo
  • jessie
  • pansy
  • homosexual man
  • poof
  • effeminate man
  • diva
  • prima donna
  • batty boy
  • camp man
  • shirt-lifter
  • woofter

Synonyms for queen

noun the only fertile female in a colony of social insects such as bees and ants and termites

Related Words

  • insect
  • queen bee

noun a female sovereign ruler


  • female monarch
  • queen regnant

Related Words

  • royal family
  • royal house
  • royal line
  • royalty
  • female aristocrat
  • Queen of England


  • king
  • male monarch
  • Rex

noun the wife or widow of a king

Related Words

  • royal family
  • royal house
  • royal line
  • royalty
  • female aristocrat
  • queen consort
  • queen dowager
  • queen regent

noun something personified as a woman who is considered the best or most important of her kind

Related Words

  • personification

noun a competitor who holds a preeminent position


  • world-beater
  • king

Related Words

  • challenger
  • competitor
  • contender
  • rival
  • competition

noun offensive term for an openly homosexual man


  • fag
  • faggot
  • fagot
  • poof
  • poove
  • pouf
  • queer
  • nance
  • fairy
  • pansy

Related Words

  • derogation
  • disparagement
  • depreciation
  • gay man
  • shirtlifter

noun one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a queen

Related Words

  • court card
  • face card
  • picture card
  • deck of cards
  • pack of cards
  • deck

noun (chess) the most powerful piece

Related Words

  • chess game
  • chess
  • chess piece
  • chessman

noun an especially large mole rat and the only member of a colony of naked mole rats to bear offspring which are sired by only a few males


  • queen mole rat

Related Words

  • naked mole rat

noun female cat


  • tabby

Related Words

  • domestic cat
  • Felis catus
  • Felis domesticus
  • house cat

verb promote to a queen, as of a pawn in chess

Related Words

  • promote

verb become a queen

Related Words

  • chess game
  • chess
  • promote




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