Logging and Timber Distribution Establishment
Logging and Timber Distribution Establishment
(Russian lespromkhoz), in the USSR, an enterprise of the logging industry. The logging and timber distribution establishment is a profit-and-loss organization consisting of felling points and equipment sections. It fells, hauls, dresses, and dispatches timber and starts it downstream. The logging establishment often has other production functions, such as sawmilling, crosstie cutting, charcoal burning, pitch boiling, and tapping. The logging enterprise is assigned long-term use of a raw materials base (woodlands), a network of logging roads, storage areas, machinery and transport, production areas, living quarters, and medical and cultural-domestic establishments. In the forestry system of the central RSFSR, the Ukraine, the Latvian SSR, and the Lithuanian SSR, the logging enterprise carries on technologically integrated activities, combining forest management measures with logging. In the eastern regions of the Ukraine a slightly different name is used for these enterprises (leskhozzag). In the western oblasts of the Ukrainian SSR and elsewhere are forestry combines that are engaged in logging, wood processing, and forest management.
Balagurov, N. A., and M. I. Saltykov. Ekonomika lesozagotovitel’noi promyshlennosti SSSR. Moscow-Leningrad, 1959.Spravochnik po ekonomike lesnoi promyshlennosti. Moscow, 1967.
Medvedev, N. A. Ekonomika lesnoi promyshlennosti. Moscow, 1970.