OCEOcean City, MD (airport code)
OCEOne Clip Edit
OCEOffice of the Chief Executive
OCEOutpatient Code Editor (software package)
OCEOregon California & Eastern (railroad)
OCEOffice of the Chief of Engineers
OCEOnline Capacity Expansion (Adaptec)
OCEOrchestrated Customer Engagement (software)
OCEOffice of Congressional Ethics (US Congress)
OCEOffice of Continuing Education
OCEOffice of the Chief Engineer (NASA)
OCEOffice of the Chief Economist (US government)
OCEon Chip Emulation
OCEOracle Certified Expert
OCEOutpatient Code Editor
OCEOlicom Ethernet
OCEOpen Circulation Edition
OCEOffice of Criminal Enforcement
OCEOptical Communication Engineering (est. 1992; Malaysia)
OCEOffice of Compliance and Enforcement (Legal Services Corporation)
OCEOmega Chi Epsilon (honor society)
OCEOpen Cut Examiner (mining; Australia)
OCEOpen Chain Exercise
OCEOsaki Computer Engineering Co., Ltd. (Japan)
OCEOperational Control Element
OCEOther Comprehensive Expense (accounting)
OCEOffice of Clinical Effectiveness (University of Missouri)
OCEOntario Centers of Excellence (Canada)
OCEOpen Collaboration Environment
OCEOnline Course Evaluation (various schools)
OCEOcean Color Experiment (US NASA)
OCEOfficer Conducting the Exercise
OCEOriginal Chemical Entity
OCEOptical Control Electronics
OCEOrthopedic Center of Excellence (various locations)
OCEOpen Catalog Extensions
OCEOffice of the Corps of Engineers
OCEOrganizational Clothing & Equipment
OCEOffice Computing Equipment
OCEOregon, California, and Eastern Railway Company