Acronym | Definition |
MRE➣Mineral Resource Estimate (various companies) |
MRE➣Meal, Ready-To-Eat |
MRE➣Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Guatemala) |
MRE➣Minimal Reproducible Example (coding) |
MRE➣Marriage and Relationship Education (various organizations) |
MRE➣Mine Risk Education |
MRE➣Market Research Executive (various companies) |
MRE➣Meals Rejected by Ethiopians |
MRE➣Magnetorheological Elastomer (materials) |
MRE➣Major Roads of Europe (maps) |
MRE➣Mazda Market Research and Technology Development Center of Europe |
MRE➣Movimento Repubblicani Europei (Italian: European Republicans Movement) |
MRE➣Master of Real Estate |
MRE➣Magnetic Resonance Elastography (scan) |
MRE➣Motorcycle Rider Education (various organizations) |
MRE➣Major Research Equipment |
MRE➣Market Rate of Exchange |
MRE➣Master of Religious Education (college degree) |
MRE➣Mission Rehearsal Exercise |
MRE➣Mean Relative Estimation Error |
MRE➣Metal Response Element (DNA) |
MRE➣Military Rules of Evidence |
MRE➣Mission Readiness Exercise |
MRE➣Meals Refused by Ethiopians |
MRE➣Magnitude of Relative Error |
MRE➣Managed Reporting Environment (Knowledge Management) |
MRE➣Most Recent Episode (medicine) |
MRE➣Milieudienst Regio Eindhoven (Dutch: Eindhoven Environmental Region; Netherlands) |
MRE➣Maintenance, Repair and Environmental |
MRE➣Mining Research Establishment |
MRE➣Mode Request |
MRE➣Magneto-Resistive Element |
MRE➣Misión Revolución Energética (Spanish: Energy Revolution Program; Venezuela) |
MRE➣Maven, Relater, Evangelist (from The Human Fabric by Bijoy Goswami) |
MRE➣Multiply Resistant Enterococci |
MRE➣Military Records Envelope |
MRE➣Material Requirement External |
MRE➣Multiple Representation Environment |
MRE➣Midwest Renewable Energy |
MRE➣Mono-Propellant Rocket Engine |
MRE➣Message Reference File |
MRE➣Multifunction RADIAC Equipment |
MRE➣Mid-Range Estimate |
MRE➣Market Rate Equity |
MRE➣Majority Rule Equilibrium |
MRE➣MicroRNA (Ribonucleic Acid) Response Element (molecule) |