

单词 ldc



abbr. less-developed country


or L.D.C.,

less developed country.



Abbreviation for:
leucocyte differential count
Local Dental Committee 
lysine decarboxylase



See: Less developed countries

Less Developed Country

A country with lower GDP relative to other countries. Less developed countries are characterized by little industry and sometimes a comparatively high dependence on foreign aid. Less developed countries often undertake programs of development, with greater or lesser interventions on the part of the national governments. They are major borrowers from organizations such as the World Bank. While no strict definition of which countries are less developed exists, most countries that do not belong to the OECD are considered less developed. See also: International development.


See less developed country.


LDCLigue des Champions (French: League of Champions)
LDCLinguistic Data Consortium
LDCLower Division Clerk (various organizations)
LDCLewes District Council (UK)
LDCLeast-Developed Country
LDCLady Doak College (India)
LDCLocal Distribution Company
LDCLong Day Care (Australia)
LDCLiteracy Design Collaborative (education)
LDCLoad Complement
LDCLoad Conditions
LDCLogical Device Component
LDCLocal Development Centre
LDCLess Developed Country
LDCLead Discovery Center (Germany)
LDCLloyds Development Capital (UK)
LDCLeadership Development Center
LDCLichfield District Council (UK)
LDCLeadership Development Consultant (various organizations)
LDCLeonardo Dicaprio (actor)
LDCLimited Duration Company
LDCLong Distance Carrier (telecommunications)
LDCLeadership Development Conference
LDCLondon Dumping Convention
LDCLarge Diaphragm Condenser (microphones)
LDCLong-Distance Call
LDCLibrary and Documentation Centre (various organizations)
LDCLife Development Center (various locations)
LDCLoran Data Channel (telecommunications)
LDCLotus Development Corporation
LDCLearning Disability Coalition (various locations)
LDCLouis Dreyfus Corporation (Netherlands)
LDCLocal Development Committee
LDCLine-Drop Compensation
LDCLivestock Development Council
LDCLong-Distance Caregiving
LDCLeast Developing Country
LDCLocal Distribution Center
LDCLondon Development Centre (UK; mental health)
LDCLot Date Code
LDCLoss Data Collection
LDCLead Design Consultant (various industries)
LDCLeadership Development Corps
LDCLinux Desktop Chooser (computing)
LDCLibrary Diversity Committee (various locations)
LDCLast Day Cover (stamp collecting)
LDCLand Defense of CONUS
LDCLinear Demolition Charge
LDCLast Date to Change
LDCLightweight Deployable Communications
LDCLatitude Data Computer
LDCLarrakia Development Corporation Pty Ltd (Australia)
LDCLate-Developing Country
LDCLocal Door Control
LDCLogistics Data Communications
LDCLoin du Clavier (French: Away from Keyboard)
LDCLogistics Data Center
LDCLocal Digital Coding
LDCLocal Defense Center
LDCLane Data Concentrator
LDCLand Defense General Committee-Palestine
LDCLoop Dipole Capacitor
LDCLimited Distributed Checksum
LDCLocal Distribution Code
LDCLead Dust Collector (silencer of muzzle for firearms)




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