Lazurskii, Aleksandr Fedorovich
Lazurskii, Aleksandr Fedorovich
Born Mar. 31 (Apr. 12), 1874, in Pereiaslav (present-day Pereiaslav-Khmel’nitskii, Kiev Oblast); died Feb. 27 (Mar. 12), 1917. Russian psychologist. Co-worker of V. M. Bekhterev; professor at the Psychoneurological Institute in St. Petersburg.
The “natural experiment” method developed by Lazurskii in 1911 brought psychological research close to real life situations for the first time and exerted an influence on modern pedagogical psychology. Lazurskii worked on the problems of characterology and the classification of personality. Lazurskii’s consideration of the relationships within which the character is manifested was counterposed to the concept of the personality as the aggregate of all mental functions. At the same time, Lazurskii’s views suffered from mechanism.
Shkol’nye kharakteristiki, 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1913.K ucheniiu o psikhicheskoi aktivnosti. Moscow, 1916.
Ocherk nauki o kharakterakh, 3rd ed. Petrograd, 1917.
Estestvennyi eksperiment i ego shkol’noe primenenie. Edited by A. F. Lazurskii. Petrograd, 1918. (Collection of articles.)
Klassifikatsiia lichnostei, 3rd ed. Petrograd, 1924.
Psikhologiia obshchaia i eksperimental’naia, 3rd ed. Leningrad, 1925.
Bekhterev, V. M. “A. F. Lazurskii.” Vestnik psikhologii, kriminal’noi antropologii i pedologii, 1919, vol. 14, issue 1.Krogius, A. A. “Stupeni poznaniia, prolozhennye v kharakterologii A. F. Lazurskim.” Vestnik psikhologii, kriminal’noi antropologii i pedologii, 1919, vol. 14, issue 1.
Sadchykova, P. Y. “Psykholohichna spadshchyna O. F. Lazurs’koho.” In the collection Narysy z istorii vitchyznianoi psykhologii kintsia XIX i pochatku XX stolittia. Kiev, 1959.