Acronym | Definition |
NSH➣Nashville (Tennessee) |
NSH➣National Show Horse |
NSH➣Newark and Sherwood Homes (UK) |
NSH➣Night Storage Heater |
NSH➣National Society for Histotechnology (Columbia, MD) |
NSH➣National Surgical Hospitals (Chicago, IL) |
NSH➣Newell Simon Hall (Carnegie Mellon University) |
NSH➣Non-Smoking Home |
NSH➣New Short-Arc High-Pressure (projector lamps) |
NSH➣Network Shell |
NSH➣National Secretariat on Homelessness (Canada) |
NSH➣North Side Hospital (Johnson City, TN) |
NSH➣NuStar Group Holdings (Texas) |
NSH➣North South Highway (Malaysia) |
NSH➣Not Sold Here |
NSH➣Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (equine disease) |
NSH➣National Standards for History (National Center for History in the Schools; University of California, Los Angeles) |
NSH➣National Sorting Hub of the Indian Postal Service |
NSH➣North Shore Hikers (Canada) |
NSH➣Niagara Secular Humanists (Canada) |
NSH➣Non-powered Space Heater |
NSH➣Neonatal Severe Hyperparathyroidism |