

单词 nsf



abbr.1. National Science Foundation2. not sufficient funds




abbreviation for (Banking & Finance) not sufficient funds


or N.S.F.,

1. National Science Foundation. 2. not sufficient funds.
Noun1.NSF - an independent agency of the federal government responsible for the promotion of progress in science and engineering by supporting programs in research and educationNSF - an independent agency of the federal government responsible for the promotion of progress in science and engineering by supporting programs in research and educationNational Science Foundationindependent agency - an agency of the United States government that is created by an act of Congress and is independent of the executive departments



National Science Foundation



Abbreviation for National Science Foundation.


Abbreviation for:
National Schizophrenia Fellowship (now, Rethink) 
National Science Foundation
National Service Framework, see there 
National Stakeholder Forum 
no significant findings
nonspecific finding
FinancialSeeInsufficient funds


NSFNational Science Foundation
NSFNon Sufficient Funds
NSFNot Sufficient Funds (return check reason code)
NSFNational Sanitation Foundation
NSFNational Service Framework (Department of Health UK)
NSFNational Sleep Foundation
NSFNot So Fast
NSFNephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis
NSFNew Single Family (zoning)
NSFNational Security Forum
NSFNot Safe For
NSFNational Sanitation Foundation International (Ann Arbor, MI)
NSFNorsk Sykepleierforbund (Norwegian Nurses League)
NSFNorth South Foundation (est. 1989)
NSFN-Ethylmaleimide-Sensitive Fusion (protein)
NSFNo Significant Findings
NSFNorges Standardiseringsforbund
NSFNaval Support Facility
NSFN-Ethylmaleimide-Sensitive Factor (aka N-Ethylmaleimide-Sensitive Fusion Protein)
NSFNorway, Sweden, Finland (in order, left to right)
NSFNationalsocialistisk Front (Swedish neo-Nazi political party)
NSFNon-Stop Forwarding
NSFNatural Solutions Foundation (est. 2004)
NSFNotes Storage Facility
NSFNon Standard Facilities
NSFNo Sector Found
NSFNes Sound Format
NSFNon Stop Forwarding
NSFNetwork Supervisory Function
NSFnot Specified
NSFNorges Speiderforbund (Norwegian: Norwegian Scout Association)
NSFNational Sports Festival
NSFNational Strike Force (US Coast Guard)
NSFNorges Seilforbund (Norway)
NSFNational Standard Format
NSFNet Square Foot
NSFNon-Standard Facilities
NSFNorth Sea Fleet (China)
NSFNational Schizophrenia Fellowship (UK)
NSFNederlandse Sport Federatie
NSFNational Sport Federation (Canada)
NSFNational Service Full-Time (Singapore conscription)
NSFNeighborhood Street Fund (Seattle, WA)
NSFNaval Surface Fire
NSFNational Sports Foundation
NSFNon-Senate Faculty (California)
NSFNuclear Storage Facility
NSFNotes Storage Facility (Lotus Notes)
NSFNew Student Forum
NSFNational Stud Farm (horses; Malaysia)
NSFNorges Sjakkforbund (Norwegian Chess Association)
NSFNorges Svømmeforbund (Norwegian Swimming Federation)
NSFNational Storytelling Festival
NSFNational Stakeholders Forum
NSFNorwegian Sale Form (shipping industry)
NSFNear Side Front (automotive suspension)
NSFNorsk Sjømannsforbund (Norwegian Sailors League)
NSFNaga Students' Federation (UK)
NSFNetwork Specific Facility (ISDN)
NSFNatural Selection Foods LLC (San Juan Bautista, California)
NSFNaval Stock Fund (US Navy)
NSFNon-Stock Fund
NSFNES (Nintendo Entertainment System) Sound File (file extension)
NSFName Search File
NSFNintendo Sound File
NSFNeedy Student Fund
NSFNorsk Sveiseteknisk Forbund (Norwegian Association for Welding Engineering)
NSFNuclear Structure Facility (Daresbury Laboratory, Cheshire, UK, now closed;
NSFNorsk Statistisk Forening (Norwegian Statistical Society)
NSFNorsk Selvhjelpsforum (Norwegian Self-help Forum)
NSFNational Secessionist Forces (gaming)
NSFNavy Stock Fund
NSFNorsk Sosiologforening (Norwegian Association of Sociologists)
NSFName Search Facility
NSFNorthwest Secessionist Forces (Deus-Ex game)
NSFNorth Shore Frogmen (Beverly, Massacusetts scuba club)
NSFNederlandse Strandzeil Federatie
NSFNorsk Speider Forbund (Norwegian Scout Association)
NSFNorsk Statsvitenskapelig Forening (Norway)


  • noun

Synonyms for NSF

noun an independent agency of the federal government responsible for the promotion of progress in science and engineering by supporting programs in research and education


  • National Science Foundation

Related Words

  • independent agency




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