

单词 as




The symbol for arsenic.


abbr.1. airspeed2. American Samoa3. Anglo-Saxon4. antisubmarine5. Associate in Science

as 1

A0450100 (ăz; əz when unstressed)adv.1. To the same extent or degree; equally: The child sang as sweetly as a nightingale.2. For instance: large mammals, as the bear or lion.3. When taken into consideration in a specified relation or form: this definition as distinguished from the second one.conj.1. To the same degree or quantity that. Often used as a correlative after so or as: You are as sweet as sugar. The situation is not so bad as you suggest.2. In the same manner or way that: Think as I think.3. At the same time that; while: slipped on the ice as I ran home.4. For the reason that; because: went to bed early, as I was exhausted.5. With the result that: He was so foolish as to lie.6. Though: Great as the author was, he proved a bad model. Ridiculous as it seems, the tale is true.7. In accordance with which or with the way in which: The hotel is quite comfortable as such establishments go. The sun is hot, as everyone knows.8. Informal That: I don't know as I can answer your question.pron.1. That; which; who. Used after same or such: I received the same grade as you did.2. Chiefly Upper Southern US Who, whom, which, or that: Those as want to can come with me.prep.1. In the role, capacity, or function of: acting as a mediator.2. In a manner similar to; the same as: On this issue they thought as one.Idioms: as is Informal Just the way it is, with no changes or modifications: bought the samovar as is from an antique dealer. as it were In a manner of speaking; as if such were so.
[Middle English, from Old English ealswā; see also.]Usage Note: Your mother is just as proud as me, said the father to the child with good grades. But should he have said, Your mother is just as proud as I? As with similar constructions using than, a traditional rule states that the pronoun following as ... as ... constructions must be in the nominative case because She is just as proud as I is really a truncated version of the sentence She is just as proud as I am. Another way to view this situation is to say that the second as functions as a conjunction, not as a preposition, in these sentences. Whatever the merits of this logic, the as me construction is very common in speech and appears regularly in the writing of highly respected writers. Moreover, it can be argued that the second as is really a preposition in these constructions and so requires the objective case. There is the further objection that as I constructions are overly formal, and even pretentious. In short, both constructions are defensible, and both are subject to attack. The safe bet is to include the final verb to make a clause: She is just as proud as I am. · In many dialects, people use as in place of that in sentences like We are not sure as we want to go or It's not certain as he left. But this use of as is limited mostly to speaking, and it will likely seem inappropriate in formal writing. · Some nonstandard varieties of American English differ from the standard language in the form and usage of relative pronouns. Where Standard English has three relative pronouns—who, which, and that—regional dialects, particularly those of the South and Midlands, allow as and what as relative pronouns: "They like nothing better than the job of leading off a young feller like you, as ain't never been away from home much" (Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage). The car what hit him never stopped. · When as expresses a causal relation, it should be preceded by a comma, as in She won't be coming, as we didn't invite her. When as expresses a time relation, it is not preceded by a comma: She was finishing the painting as I walked into the room. When an as-clause begins a sentence, it may be necessary to make clear whether as is used to mean "because" or "at the same time that." The sentence As they were leaving, I walked to the door may mean either "I walked to the door because they were leaving" or "I walked to the door at the same time that they were leaving." · As is sometimes used after verbs like consider, deem, and account, as in The paintings are considered as masterpieces in their home country. The measure was deemed as unnecessary. This usage may have arisen by analogy to the long-established use of as after regard and esteem in standard contexts: We regarded her as the best writer among us. In our 2009 survey, however, more than 80 percent of the Usage Panel rejected sentences in which as followed consider in this way, including the sentence just quoted. These constructions bear the stigma of redundancy and should be avoided in careful writing. See Usage Notes at because, equal, like2, so1.

as 2

A0450200 (ăs)n. pl. as·ses (ăs′ēz′, ăs′ĭz) 1. An ancient Roman coin of copper or copper alloy.2. An ancient Roman unit of weight equal to about one troy pound.


(æz; unstressed əz) conj (subordinating) 1. (often preceded by just) while; when; at the time that: he caught me as I was leaving. 2. in the way that: dancing as only she can. 3. that which; what: I did as I was told. 4. (of) which fact, event, etc (referring to the previous statement): to become wise, as we all know, is not easy. 5. as it were in a way; so to speak; as if it were really so6. as you were a. a military command to withdraw an order, return to the previous position, etcb. a statement to withdraw something just said7. (Military) a military command to withdraw an order, return to the previous position, etc8. a statement to withdraw something just said9. since; seeing that: as you're in charge here, you'd better tell me where to wait. 10. in the same way that: he died of cancer, as his father had done. 11. in spite of the extent to which: intelligent as you are, I suspect you will fail. 12. for instance: capital cities, as London. adv, conja. used correlatively before an adjective or adverb and before a noun phrase or a clause to indicate identity of extent, amount, etc: she is as heavy as her sister; she is as heavy now as she used to be. b. used with this sense after a noun phrase introduced by the same: she is the same height as her sister. prep13. in the role of; being: as his friend, I am probably biased. 14. as for as to with reference to: as for my past, I'm not telling you anything. 15. as from as of formal (in expressions of time) from: fares on all routes will rise as from January 11. 16. as if as though as it would be if: he talked as if he knew all about it. 17. as is as it is in the existing state of affairs: as it is, I shall have difficulty finishing all this work, without any more. 18. as per See per319. as regards See regard620. as such See such321. such as See such522. as was in a previous state23. as well See well11324. as yet up to now; so far: I have received no compensation as yet. [Old English alswā likewise; see also]Usage: See at like1


(æs) n1. (Units) an ancient Roman unit of weight approximately equal to 1 pound troy (373 grams)2. (Currencies) the standard monetary unit and copper coin of ancient Rome[C17: from Latin ās unity, probably of Etruscan origin]


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) American Samoa


symbol for 1. (Elements & Compounds) chem arsenic 2. (Physical Geography) altostratus


abbreviation for 1. (Peoples) Also: A.S. Anglo-Saxon 2. (Military) antisubmarine 3. Australian Standards


(æz; unstressed əz)

adv. 1. to the same degree or extent; equally: It's not as hot today. 2. for example: spring flowers, as the tulip. 3. thought or considered to be: the square as distinct from the rectangle. 4. in the manner indicated: She sang as promised. conj. 5. to the same degree or extent that: to run quick as a rabbit. 6. in the degree, manner, etc., of or that: Do as we do. 7. at the same time that; while; when: Pay as you enter. 8. since; because: As you are leaving last, lock the door. 9. though: Strange as it seems, it is so. 10. that the result or effect was: His voice was so loud as to make everyone stare. 11. Informal. that: I don't know as I do. pron. 12. that; who; which (usu. prec. by such or the same): I have the same trouble as you had. 13. a fact that: She spoke the truth, as can be proved. prep. 14. in the role, function, or status of: to act as leader. Idioms: 1. as … as, (used to express similarity or equality between one person or thing and another): as rich as Croesus. 2. as far as, to the degree or extent that: It is an excellent plan, as far as I can tell. 3. as for or to, with respect to; about; concerning: As for staying away, I wouldn't think of it. 4. as good as, a. equivalent to: as good as new. b. true to; trustworthy as: as good as his word. 5. as if or though, as it would be if: It was as if the world had come to an end. 6. as is, in whatever condition something is in when offered, esp. if damaged. 7. as it were, in a way; so to speak: He became, as it were, a man without a country. 8. as of, beginning on; on and after; from: This price is effective as of June 23. 9. as such, a. as being what is indicated; in that capacity: An officer of the law, as such, is entitled to respect. b. in itself or in themselves: The job, as such, does not appeal to me. 10. as yet, up to the present time. [before 1000; Old English alswā, ealswā all so (see also), quite so, quite as, as; c. Middle Dutch alse, Old High German alsō] usage: As a conjunction, one sense of as is “because”: As she was bored, Sue left the room. as also has an equally common use in the sense “while, when”: As the parade passed by, the crowd cheered. These two senses sometimes result in ambiguity: As the gates were closed, he walked away. (When? Because?) as… as is standard in both positive and negative constructions: as happy as a lark; not as humid today as it was yesterday. so… as is sometimes used in negative constructions (not so humid as it was) and in questions ( “What is so rare as a day in June?” ). The phrase as far as generally introduces a clause: As far as money is concerned, the council has exhausted all its resources. In some informal speech and writing, as far as is treated as a preposition and followed only by an object: As far as money, the council has exhausted all its resources. as to as a compound preposition has long been standard: As to your salary, that too will be reviewed. This is occasionally criticized as a vague substitute for about or concerning, which can certainly be substituted. See also all, farther, like.


n., pl. as•ses (ˈæs ɪz, -iz) 1. a copper coin of ancient Rome. 2. an ancient Roman unit of weight, equal to about 12 ounces. [1595–1605; < Latin]


1. American Samoa. 2. Anglo-Saxon.


Chem. Symbol. arsenic (def. 1).


var. of ad- before s: assert.


1. Anglo-Saxon. 2. Associate in Science.


The symbol for arsenic.


1. used in time clauses

If something happens as something else happens, it happens while the other thing is happening.

She cried as she told her story.The play started as I got there.

You also use as to say that something is done whenever something happens.

Parts are replaced as they grow old.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'as' simply to mean 'at the time that'. For example, don't say 'As I started work here, the pay was £20 an hour'. You say 'When I started work here, the pay was £20 an hour'.

See when
2. meaning 'because'

As is often used to mean 'because' or 'since'.

She bought herself an iron as she felt she couldn't keep borrowing Anne's.As he had been up since 4 a.m. he was now very tired.See because
3. used with adjectives

You can use as in front of an adjective to say how someone or something is regarded or described.

They regarded manual work as degrading.His teachers described him as brilliant.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'as' after comparative adjectives. Don't say, for example, 'The trees are taller as the church'. You say 'The trees are taller than the church'.

She was much older than me.
4. used in prepositional phrases

You can also use as in prepositional phrases to say how someone or something is regarded, described, treated, or used.

Pluto was originally classified as a planet.I treated business as a game.I wanted to use him as an agent.

You can also use as in prepositional phrases to say what role or function someone or something has.

He worked as a clerk.Bleach acts as an antiseptic.
5. used in comparisons

In writing, as is sometimes used to compare one action to another.

He looked over his shoulder as Jack had done.She pushed him, as she had pushed her son.

Like and the way are used in a similar way.

See like - as - the way

Be Careful!
You don't usually use 'as' in front of a noun phrase when you are comparing one thing or person to another. Don't say, for example, 'She sang as a bird'. You say 'She sang like a bird'.

He swam like a fish.I am a worker like him.

Be Careful!
However, you can make a comparison using as, an adjective or adverb, and another as. For example, you can say 'You're just as bad as your sister'.

For more information, see as ... as


– as – the way">the way1. used as conjunctions

You can use like, as, or the way as conjunctions when you are comparing one person's behaviour or appearance to another's. In the clause which follows the conjunction, the verb is usually do.

For example, you can say 'He walked to work every day, like his father had done', 'He walked to work every day, as his father had done', or 'He walked to work every day, the way his father had done'.

I never behave like she does.They were people who spoke and thought as he did.Start lending things, the way people did in the war.
2. used as prepositions

Like and as can be prepositions, but their meaning is not usually the same. For example, if you do something like a particular kind of person, you do it the way that kind of person would do it, although you are not that kind of person.

We worked like slaves.

If you do something as a particular kind of person, you are that kind of person.

Over the summer she worked as a waitress.I can only speak as a married man without children.
Noun1.as - a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic formsAs - a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgaratomic number 33, arsenicchemical element, element - any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matterarsenopyrite, mispickel - a silver-white or grey ore of arsenicorpiment - a yellow mineral occurring in conjunction with realgar; an ore of arsenicrealgar - a rare soft orange mineral consisting of arsenic sulphide; an important ore of arsenicherbicide, weed killer, weedkiller - a chemical agent that destroys plants or inhibits their growthinsect powder, insecticide - a chemical used to kill insects2.as - a United States territory on the eastern part of the island of SamoaAS - a United States territory on the eastern part of the island of SamoaAmerican Samoa, Eastern SamoaSamoan Islands, Samoa - a group of volcanic islands in the South Pacific midway between Hawaii and Australia; its climate and scenery and Polynesian culture make it a popular tourist stopPago Pago, Pango Pango - a port in American SamoaAdv.1.as - to the same degree (often followed by `as'); "they were equally beautiful"; "birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly"; "sang as sweetly as a nightingale"; "he is every bit as mean as she is"equally, every bit


conjunction1. when, while, just as, at the time that, during the time that All eyes were on him as he continued.preposition1. in the role of, being, under the name of, in the character of I had natural ability as a footballer.conjunction1. in the way that, like, in the manner that Behave towards them as you would like to be treated.2. since, because, seeing that, considering that, on account of the fact that This is important as it sets the mood for the day.3. although, while, though Try as he might, he couldn't escape.as for or to with regard to, about, re, concerning, regarding, respecting, relating to, with respect to, on the subject of, with reference to, in reference to, in the matter of, apropos of, as regards, anent (Scot.) As for giving them guns, I don't think that's a very good idea.as it were in a way, to some extent, so to speak, in a manner of speaking, so to say I understood the words, but I didn't, as it were, understand the question.


(ӕz) conjunction1. when; while. I met John as I was coming home; We'll be able to talk as we go. 正當 当...的时候2. because. As I am leaving tomorrow, I've bought you a present. 因為 因为3. in the same way that. If you are not sure how to behave, do as I do. 如同 如同4. used to introduce a statement of what the speaker knows or believes to be the case. As you know, I'll be leaving tomorrow. 正如(用於引入說話人已知/相信的事情) 正如5. though. Old as I am, I can still fight; Much as I want to, I cannot go. 儘管 尽管6. used to refer to something which has already been stated and apply it to another person. Tom is English, as are Dick and Harry. 意指相同的陳述適用於另一人 象...一样 adverb used in comparisons, eg the first as in the following example. The bread was as hard as a brick. (用於比較)同樣地 同样地 preposition1. used in comparisons, eg the second as in the following example. The bread was as hard as a brick. 如同(用於比較) 如同2. like. He was dressed as a woman. 宛如 如同3. with certain verbs eg regard, ~treat, ~describe, ~accept. I am regarded by some people as a bit of a fool; He treats the children as adults. 和某些動詞連用(如:regard, ~treat, ~describe, ~accept) 如同(于某些动词连用) 4. in the position of. He is greatly respected both as a person and as a politician. 身為 作为as for with regard to; concerning. The thief was caught by the police almost immediately: As for the stolen jewels, they were found in a dustbin. 至於 至于as if / as though in the way one would expect if. He acted as if he were mad; He spoke as though he knew all about our plans; He opened his mouth as if to speak; You look as if you are going to faint. 彷彿 好象as to as far as (something) is concerned; with regard to. I'm willing to read his book, but as to publishing it, that's a different matter. 關於 关于






(both: äsh), city, W Czech Republic, in Bohemia, near the Bavarian border. It is a textile center and also manufactures lace, woolens, embroidery, and carpets.


symbol for the element arsenicarsenic
, a semimetallic chemical element; symbol As; at. no. 33; at. wt. 74.92160; m.p. 817&degC; (at 28 atmospheres pressure); sublimation point 613&degC;; sp. gr. (stable form) 5.73; valence −3, 0, +3, or +5.
..... Click the link for more information.

American Samoa Parks

  • US National Parks
    National Park of American Samoa
  • Marine Sanctuaries
    Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary


(electricity) abmho


(meteorology) altostratus cloud (chemistry) arsenic

automatic sprinkler

A sprinkler head having a nozzle which is normally closed, but opens when exposed to a predetermined quantity of heat—either by the melting of a fusible element or by the rupturing of a liquid-filled glass bulb.


History1. an ancient Roman unit of weight approximately equal to 1 pound troy (373 grams) 2. the standard monetary unit and copper coin of ancient Rome


(networking)Autonomous System.


(storage)Address Strobe.


(networking)The country code for American Samoa.


(1) See autonomous system.

(2) See authentication server.

(3) (Application System) An IBM mainframe 4GL that runs under MVS. It was originally designed for non-computer people and includes commands for planning, budgeting and graphics. However, a programmer can also produce complex applications. It also provides computer conferencing.




 (L.) au´ris sinis´tra (left ear).


Symbol for arsenic.


The profile area of a slab-sectioned corpuscle or nucleus, a quantity measurable by image cytometry.


Abbreviation for:
absence seizure
absence of seizures
accessory spleen
acoustic schwannoma
acoustic stimulation
active surveillance
acute stress
adenosquamous carcinoma
adult services
allele specific
Alport syndrome
ambulatory surgery
anabolic steroid
anal sphincter
anaphylactic shock
androgen suppression
anionic surfactant
ankylosing spondylitis
anovulatory syndrome
anterior scalene
aortic stenosis
artificial sweetener
ascending aorta
Ascaris suum
ascorbic acid
aseptic meningitis
asparagine synthetase
Asperger syndrome
assisted suicide
Associate of Science
Associate Specialist (Medspeak-UK) 
atrial septum
atropine sulphate
attempted suicide
audiogenic seizure
audiovisual stimulation


Symbol for arsenic



The two-character ISO 3166 country code for AMERICAN SAMOA.


1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for American Samoa. This is the code used in international transactions to and from American Samoan bank accounts.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for American Samoa. This is used as an international standard for shipping to American Samoa. As a territory of the United States, American Samoa is also assigned the geocode ISO 3166-2:US-AS.


ASAmerican Samoa (US postal abbreviation)
ASAccess System
ASAdvanced Server (Microsoft Windows)
ASAll Source
ASAll Star (sports)
ASAnother Subject
ASAfter-Sales Service
ASArchive Server
ASArea Security
ASArea Source
ASAustralia (including Ashmore, Cartier & Coral Sea Islands)
ASApplication Server
ASApplication Software (NEC)
ASApplication System
ASAir Speed
ASAll Stars (Disney resort)
ASActivity Start (ITU-T)
ASWait (logging abbreviation)
ASAcademy of Science
ASAgent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies)
ASAssociated Students
ASAustralian Standard
ASAssociated Support
ASArm Slave (anime)
ASAdministrative Site
ASAdministrative Support
ASAdministrative System (Bellcore)
ASApplied Science
ASAssigned (Telabs)
ASAnti Static
ASAlpha Smart (electronic keyboard)
ASAfter Sight
ASAssociate in Science
ASAssistant Secretary
ASAviation Safety
ASAssociate of Science
ASAs Stated
ASAdult Situations
ASAdditional Shift (used on overtime forms)
ASAdult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block)
ASAmerican Samoa (top-level domain name)
ASAdopted Son
ASAcquisition Strategy
ASAustralian Shepherd (dog breed)
ASAir Sealed
ASAnalog Switch
ASApproaches Standards (school grading system)
ASAutomation Specialist
ASAsian Sensation
ASAthletics (Oakland baseball team)
ASAudit Standards (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board)
ASAssault Support
ASATM Switch
ASAttachment Sheet
ASArea Surveillance
ASComplex Antenna
ASAnswer Supervision
ASAlarm Surveillance
ASAdvanced Switching
ASAuthentication Service
ASAuthentication Server
ASAngle Slam (wrestling finishing move)
ASAbstract Syntax
ASAdvanced Subsidiary level (UK)
ASArsenal Ship
ASAviation Support Equipment Technician
ASAerospace Studies
ASAerospace Corporation
ASArea Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites)
ASAggregate Supply (economics)
ASAerospace Society
ASAmerican Standard (Piscataway, NJ)
ASAbandon Ship
ASAlignment Signal (ITU-T)
ASSubmarine Tender
ASAllowance Standard
ASAuxiliary Steam
ASAutonomous System (ATM)
ASAdvanced Supplementary (education testing level; also seen as A/S)
ASArnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician)
ASAsbestos Survey
ASAlto Saxophone
ASArtificial Stupidity
ASAssistant Referee (Soccer)
ASAnakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character)
ASAdditive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells)
ASApprentice Seaman
ASAir Superiority
ASAir Station
ASApplicability Statement
ASAngled Single
ASAsperger Syndrome (Asperger's Disorder)
ASAscent Stage
ASAdam Sandler (actor)
ASAddress Strobe
ASAuthorization Subsystem
ASAutomatic Sprinkler
ASAnalysis Subsystem
ASAncillary Services
ASAnkylosing Spondylitis (chronic inflammatory form of arthritis affecting the spine)
ASAlessandro Scarlatti (classical composer)
ASAntichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album)
ASAuger Spectroscopy
ASSickle-cell Trait (carrier; genetics)
ASAccounting Standard
ASAsí Somos (Spanish: So We; British television series)
ASActionscript (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java)
ASAdministrative Simplification
ASAgency Services
ASAqueous Solution
ASAcute Sinusitis
ASAggressor Squadron
ASAmerican Singles
ASAudioslave (band)
ASAgrarian System
ASAnatolian Studies
ASAccess Stratum (3GPP)
ASAirlift Squadron
ASAir Sampling (station)
ASAnnual Summary
ASAortic Stenosis
ASActivesync (Microsoft software)
ASAnal Seepage
ASAcademia Sinica (Taiwan)
ASAngel Sanctuary (Manga)
ASApollo-Saturn (US NASA)
ASAfterStep (Window Manager for X)
ASAngelman Syndrome
ASAdvanced Schottky
ASAngry Son (band)
ASAeronautical Science (Flight Major)
ASAssociazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club)
ASAes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series)
ASAssault Ship (Eve Online gaming)
ASAerospace Standards
ASArmée du Salut (Salvation Army)
ASAltostratus (cloud formation)
ASAnonymous Sender
ASAnti Sweat
ASAmmunition Specialist
ASAnti Surge (type of electric fuse)
ASAcrylonitrile Styrene
ASAirfield Services
ASAnonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company)
ASAviation Ship (US DoD)
ASAuthor Space (webcomic)
ASAggregate Subbase (construction)
ASAperture Stop
ASAhead Station (transportation)
ASAmino Salicylic Acid
ASAssault at Selonia (Star Wars novel)
ASAlaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code)
ASAksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company)
ASAlayhis Salaam (Arabic: Peace Be upon Him)
ASAuxiliary Submarine
ASAft Shroud
ASAnalog Secure (US DoD)
ASAutos Suecos (Spanish: Swedish Cars)
ASAblaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart)
ASAnno Satanas
ASAmmeter Switch
ASAmpere Switch
ASArticulation Score
ASAnvil Stratus
ASAllery Scotts Ltd (UK)
ASAustin Servers (online gaming community)
ASAmpere Sensor
ASAuris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear)
ASAryl Sulphate
ASAir Seasoned Timber
ASAutosavants.com (car enthusiasts)
ASAcquisition/Application System
ASAnaerobic Seeder
ASAspheric Subassembly
AS(USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician


  • all
  • conj
  • prep
  • noun
  • adv
  • phrase

Synonyms for As

conj when


  • when
  • while
  • just as
  • at the time that
  • during the time that

prep in the role of


  • in the role of
  • being
  • under the name of
  • in the character of

conj in the way that


  • in the way that
  • like
  • in the manner that

conj since


  • since
  • because
  • seeing that
  • considering that
  • on account of the fact that

conj although


  • although
  • while
  • though

phrase as for or to


  • with regard to
  • about
  • re
  • concerning
  • regarding
  • respecting
  • relating to
  • with respect to
  • on the subject of
  • with reference to
  • in reference to
  • in the matter of
  • apropos of
  • as regards
  • anent

phrase as it were


  • in a way
  • to some extent
  • so to speak
  • in a manner of speaking
  • so to say

Synonyms for As

noun a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms


  • atomic number 33
  • arsenic

Related Words

  • chemical element
  • element
  • arsenopyrite
  • mispickel
  • orpiment
  • realgar
  • herbicide
  • weed killer
  • weedkiller
  • insect powder
  • insecticide

noun a United States territory on the eastern part of the island of Samoa


  • American Samoa
  • Eastern Samoa

Related Words

  • Samoan Islands
  • Samoa
  • Pago Pago
  • Pango Pango

adv to the same degree (often followed by 'as')


  • equally
  • every bit




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