

单词 mbe



abbreviation for (in Britain)Member of the Order of the British Empire


Member of the Order of the British Empire.


MBEMember of the Order of the British Empire
MBEMinority Business Enterprise
MBEMail Boxes Etc.
MBEMember of the British Empire (title; UK)
MBEMolecular Biology and Evolution (Oxford Journals)
MBEMolecular Beam Epitaxy
MBEMaster of Business Engineering (degree; various universities)
MBEMultistate Bar Examination
MBEMemory Block Entry
MBEMerchants Barter Exchange
MBEMicrostation Basic Environment
MBEMulti Band Excitation
MBEModbus Ethernet
MBEModern Business Enterprise
MBEManagement By Exception
MBEMulti-Bit Error
MBEModel-Based Engineering
MBEManual of Bridge Evaluation (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials)
MBEMulti-Band Excitation
MBEMulti Beam Echosounder (oceanography)
MBEMotor Bike Enthusiast
MBEManaging Basic Education
MBEMourning Becomes Electra (trilogy of plays by Eugene O'Neill)
MBEMaster of Business Education
MBEMiddlesboro Board of Education (Middlesboro, KY)
MBEMaster in Business Economics
MBEMidwest Business Exchange
MBEMiter Both Ends (woodworking)
MBEMulti-Byte Extension
MBEMulti-Breed Evaluation
MBEMennonite Board of Education
MBEModified Booth Encoding
MBEMulti-Band Emitter
MBEMy Bloody Efforts
MBEMaster in Biomedical Engineering (various universities)
MBEMaster of Bioscience Enterprise
MBEModule-Based Event
MBEMinimum Block Encoder
MBEManotick Brass Ensemble (Manotick, Ontario, Canada)
MBEModular Binary Exponentiation




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