Acronym | Definition |
MVEMJSUNP➣Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto (order of planets in our solar system) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Easy Method Just Sums Up Nine Planets (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣Mein Vater Erklärt Mir Jeden Sonntag Unsere Neun Planeten (German mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣Mary's Violet Eyes Make John Sit Up Nights Period (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Easy Method Just Set Up Nine Planets (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣Mon Vieux Tu M'as Jeté Sur Une Nouvelle Planète (French mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pies (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Easy Method Just Simplifies Us Naming Planets (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Early Morning Jam Sandwiches Usually Nauseate People (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Excellent Mother Just Shot Umbrellas Near Pluto (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Velvet Eyes Make Johnny Stay Up Nights Proposing (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pancakes (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Educated Mother Just Said Uh-oh No Pluto (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣Mein Vater erklärt mir jeden Sonntag unsere neuen Planeten (German mnemonic for the order of the nine planets: My father explained to me every Sunday our nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Easy Method Just Shows U Nine Planets (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Early Morning Jam Sandwich Usually Nauseates People (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |
MVEMJSUNP➣Make Very Easy Money Just Save Up New Pennies (order of planets in our solar system) |
MVEMJSUNP➣Man Very Early Made Jars Stand Up Nearly Perpendicularly (planet order mnemonic) |
MVEMJSUNP➣My Very Easy Method Just Sums Up Naming Planets (mnemonic for the order of the nine planets) |