Nikolai Rubinshtein
Rubinshtein, Nikolai Leonidovich
Born Dec. 11 (23), 1897, in Odessa; died Jan. 26, 1963, in Moscow. Soviet historian; professor (1938). Member of the CPSU from 1944.
Rubinshtein graduated from Novorossiia University in Odessa in 1922. From 1934 to 1959 he taught at higher educational institutions in Moscow, becoming a professor in 1938. He was deputy scientific director of the State Historical Museum from 1943 to 1949. His main works were on Russian historiography, the history of popular movements in the Ukraine in the 17th century, and the socioeconomic history of Russia in the 18th century, including the formation of the capitalist mode of production and the genesis of capitalism in Russia.