Nikolai Mitinskii

Mitinskii, Nikolai Nikolaevich


Born Dec. 20, 1873 (Jan. 1, 1874); died Oct. 24 (Nov. 6), 1912. Russian scientist in structural mechanics. Graduated from the St. Petersburg Institute of Railroad Engineers in 1897. He taught at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute from 1899 to 1906. In 1904 he became a professor at the St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Institute, and in 1905, also at the Institute of Railroad Engineers.

Mitinskii was the author of a number of works on structural mechanics, including a course entitled “Structural Mechanics: Strength of Materials” (1905–11). The St. Petersburg terminal of the St. Petersburg-Moscow railroad was rebuilt, a new marshaling yard was constructed, and branch lines to Finland and the harbor, a number of new bridges, metal roofings, and other engineering works were built using his designs and under his direction. Mitinskii was a pioneer in the electrification of rail-roads in Russia. He edited the journal Izvestiia sobraniia inzhenerov putei soobshcheniia (News of the Meeting of Railroad Engineers).


Sobranie izbrannykh sochineniipo stroitel’noi mekhanike. St. Petersburg, 1913.