Acronym | Definition |
NVD➣National Vulnerability Database (National Institute of Standards and Technology) |
NVD➣Normal Vaginal Delivery (pregnancy) |
NVD➣Night Vision Device |
NVD➣National Vulnerability Database |
NVD➣No Value Declared (shipping) |
NVD➣Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea |
NVD➣Northern Virginia Daily (newspaper, Shenandoah Valley) |
NVD➣Neutral Voltage Displacement |
NVD➣Non-Vanishing Determinant |
NVD➣Neovascularization of the Optic Disc (eye disorder) |
NVD➣Northern Valley Regional High School At Demarest |
NVD➣Natural Vaginal Delivery |