Volfson, Semen

Vol’fson, Semen Iakovlevich


Born 1894 in Bobruisk; died 1941. Soviet philosopher; academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian SSR (1928).

Vol’fson became a professor at the Byelorussian State University in 1921 and director of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian SSR in 1931. He was the author of the first philosophy university textbook in the USSR, Dialectical Materialism (parts 1-2, 1922; parts 1-3, 6th ed., 1926). He also worked in the field of sociology.


Plekhanov. Minsk, 1924.
Intelligentsia kak sotsial’no-ekonomicheskaia kategoriia. Moscow-Leningrad, 1926.
Sotsiologiia braka i sem’i. Minsk, 1929.
Suchasnaia relihiinas’ts’. Minsk, 1930.
Suprots’ rasavykh teoryi. Minsk, 1935.
Sem’ia i brak v ikh istoricheskom razvitii. Moscow, 1937.