laryngeal inlet

laryngeal inlet

[TA] the aperture between the pharynx and larynx, bounded by the superior edges of the epiglottis (anteriorly), the aryepiglottic folds (laterally), and the mucosa between the arytenoids (posteriorly). Synonym(s): aditus laryngis [TA], inlet of larynx, laryngeal aditus, laryngeal aperture

la·ryn·ge·al in·let

(lă-rinjē-ăl inlĕt) [TA] The aperture between the pharynx and larynx, bounded by the superior edges of the epiglottis, the aryepiglottic folds, and the mucosa between the arytenoids.
Synonym(s): aditus laryngis [TA] .