Acronym | Definition |
VCB➣Virtueller Campus Bayern (German: Bavaria Virtual Campus) |
VCB➣VMware Consolidated Backup |
VCB➣Vietcombank (Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam) |
VCB➣Voltage Collector Base |
VCB➣Veronica Campbell-Brown (athlete) |
VCB➣Volvo Compression Brake |
VCB➣Visitor and Convention Bureau |
VCB➣Venture Capital Bank (Bahrain) |
VCB➣Vicky Cristina Barcelona (movie) |
VCB➣Vacuum Circuit Breaker |
VCB➣Vlaamse Confederatie Bouw (Dutch: Flemish Confederation Building; Belgium) |
VCB➣Virginia Commerce Bank |
VCB➣Vertical Centre of Buoyancy (boating) |
VCB➣Value Control Box |
VCB➣Vinyl Cove Base |
VCB➣Virginia Certification Board (Harrisburg, PA) |
VCB➣Volvo Cars Belgium |
VCB➣Vacation Camp for the Blind (Spring Valley, NY) |
VCB➣Velo Cape Breton (cycling; Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada) |
VCB➣Construction Battalion (US Navy) |
VCB➣Video Creations by Baz (personal blog) |
VCB➣Vertical Concrete Barrier (traffic control) |
VCB➣Vehicle Control Board |
VCB➣Vendor Charge-Back |
VCB➣Vaporization Chamber Bowl (recreational and therapeutic herbal vaporizer) |
VCB➣Vaginal Cuff Boost |
VCB➣Vane Cut Back (centrifugal pumps) |
VCB➣Volunteer Commando Battalion (gaming) |
VCB➣Vienna Community Band (Vienna, VA) |
VCB➣Vestal Community Band (Vestal, NY) |
VCB➣Visual Contact Broken |