Madelung deformity

Ma·de·lung de·for·mi·ty

(mah'dĕ-lūng), a distal radioulnar subluxation due to a relative deficiency of axial growth of the medial side of the distal radius, which, as a consequence, is abnormally inclined proximally and ulnarwards. Synonym(s): carpus curvus

Ma·de·lung de·form·i·ty

(mah'dĕ-lung) A distal radioulnar subluxation due to a relative deficiency of axial growth of the medial side of the distal radius, which, as a consequence, is abnormally inclined proximally and ulnarward.

Madelung deformity

(mod′ĕ-lung″) [Otto W. Madelung, Ger. surgeon, 1846–1926] Displacement of the hand to the radial side due to relative overgrowth of the ulna.


Otto Wilhelm, German surgeon, 1846-1926. Madelung deformity - a distal radial ulnar subluxation due to relative deficiency of axial growth of the medial side of the distal radius. Synonym(s): carpus curvusMadelung disease - accumulation and progressive enlargement of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous tissue of the head, neck, upper trunk, and upper portions of the upper extremities. Synonym(s): multiple symmetric lipomatosisMadelung lipoma - fatty tumor.Madelung neck - multiple symmetric lipomatosis confined to the neck.Madelung subluxation - incomplete dislocation or luxation.