neutral occlusion

neu·tral oc·clu·sion

1. an arrangement of teeth such that the maxillary and mandibular first permanent molars are in normal anteroposterior relation; Synonym(s): normal occlusion (2) 2. Synonym(s): neutroclusion

neu·tral oc·clu·sion

(nū'trăl ŏ-klū'zhŭn) 1. An arrangement of teeth such that the maxillary and mandibular first permanent molars are in normal anteroposterior relation.
Synonym(s): normal occlusion (2) .
2. Synonym(s): neutroclusion.

neu·tral oc·clu·sion

(nū'trăl ŏ-klū'zhŭn) Arrangement of teeth with maxillary and mandibular first permanent molars in normal anteroposterior relation.
Synonym(s): normal occlusion (2) .