Mostovich, Vladimir
Mostovich, Vladimir Iakovlevich
Born Apr. 8 (20), 1880, in Riga; died Aug. 5, 1935, in Moscow. Soviet scientist; specialist in the metallurgy of nonferrous metals and gold. Honored Worker in Science and Technology of the RSFSR (1934). Son of a rural teacher. He graduated from the Riga Polytechnic Institute in 1903. From 1903 to 1931 he taught at the Tomsk Institute of Technology (appointed professor in 1912). Beginning in 1931 he lectured and conducted research at the Mining and Metallurgy Institute (now the Northern Caucasus Mining and Metallurgy Institute) in Vladikavkaz (now Ordzhonikidze). He started a course in the metallurgy of nonferrous and noble metals.
Mostovich took an active part in the development of advanced methods and the improvement of the technology of copper smelting during the modernization of the plants in the Urals during the first five-year plan (1929–32). He was the author of works on the theory of copper and lead smelting, the selective flotation of copper pyrite and complex-metal ores, the metallurgy of zinc and nickel, and assaying practice. Mostovich founded his own scientific school of metallurgy.
Sb. trudov, vol. 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1936.Pirometallurgiia medi. Moscow-Leningrad, 1944.
Metodika issledovaniia zolotosoderzhashchikh rud, 2nd ed. Sverdlovsk, 1955.
Pavlova, O. I. “Vklad V. Ia. Mostovicha ν razvitie tsvetnoi metallurgii.” In the collection Iz istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki Pribaltiki, vol. 4. Riga, 1972. Pages 161–74.N. K. LAMAN