Tugarinov, Aleksei
Tugarinov, Aleksei Ivanovich
Born Feb. 27 (Mar. 12), 1917, in Petrograd. Soviet geologist and geochemist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1966).
Tugarinov graduated from the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute in 1940. He worked in the Ministry of Geology of the USSR from 1945 to 1949 and joined the staff of the V. I. Vernad-skii Institute of Geochemistry and Analytic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1949. In 1965 he became a professor in the subdepartment of geochemistry at Moscow State University.
Tugarinov’s main works deal with the development of a geologic time scale for the Precambrian and with the improvement of methods for the measurement of the absolute age of rocks. Tugarinov received the Lenin Prize in 1965 for developing the geological and geochemical principles underlying the forecasting of and prospecting for mineral deposits. He received the A. P. Kar-pinskii Prize of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR for the monograph The Precambrian Geochronology of the Continents (1966), of which he was a coauthor. He has also been awarded two orders.
“Uran v metasomaticheskikh protsessakh.” In Osnovnye cherty geokhimii urana. Moscow, 1963.Geokhimiia shchelochnogo metasomatoza. Moscow, 1963. (With A. S. Pavlenko and I. V. Aleksandrov.)
Obshchaia geokhimiia. Moscow, 1973.