Acronym | Definition |
OPA➣Office of Public Affairs |
OPA➣Ontario Power Authority (Ontario, Canada) |
OPA➣Online Publishers Association |
OPA➣Oil Pollution Act of 1990 |
OPA➣Oil Painters of America |
OPA➣Offre Publique d'Achat |
OPA➣Oferta Pública de Adquisición (de Acciones) |
OPA➣Oferta Publica de Adquisicion (Spanish) |
OPA➣Online Payment Agreement (taxes) |
OPA➣Otherwise Protected Area |
OPA➣Opacity-Associated |
OPA➣Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (Philippines) |
OPA➣Online Pool Analyzer |
OPA➣Optical Pre Amplifier |
OPA➣Online Public Access |
OPA➣Office of Price Administration |
OPA➣Offerta Pubblica Di Acquisto (Italian) |
OPA➣Office of Population Affairs |
OPA➣Opsonophagocytic Assay (microbiology) |
OPA➣Office of Protection and Advocacy (aka P&A; persons with disabilities; Connecticut) |
OPA➣Office of the Patient Advocate |
OPA➣Official Points of Acceptance (investing) |
OPA➣Office of Public Advocacy (various locations) |
OPA➣Office of Professional Accountability (Seattle Police Department) |
OPA➣Oropharyngeal Airway |
OPA➣Ontario Pharmacists' Association |
OPA➣Office of Pharmacy Affairs (HHS) |
OPA➣Optical Parametric Amplifier |
OPA➣Online Privacy Alliance |
OPA➣Open Patent Alliance |
OPA➣Oklahoma Press Association |
OPA➣Open Partial Agreement (EU) |
OPA➣Outward Processing Arrangement (Hong Kong and China) |
OPA➣Ohio Pharmacists Association |
OPA➣Optic Atrophy |
OPA➣Ontario Psychological Association |
OPA➣Overseas Publishers Association |
OPA➣Office of Payroll Administration |
OPA➣Opera Primaziale Pisana (Italian social accountability policy) |
OPA➣Ontario Parks Association (Canada) |
OPA➣Office of Policy Analysis |
OPA➣Other Procurement, Army |
OPA➣Official Public Account (Australia) |
OPA➣Office of Public Assistance |
OPA➣Office of Planning and Analysis (various locations) |
OPA➣Oregon Paralegal Association |
OPA➣Ontario Prospectors Association |
OPA➣Ontario Paramedic Association |
OPA➣Office of Program Appraisal |
OPA➣Offshore Petroleum Act 2006 (Australia) |
OPA➣Oriented Polyamide |
OPA➣Operations, Army |
OPA➣Office of Premarket Approval |
OPA➣Okinawa Prefectural Archives (est. 1995; Japan) |
OPA➣Ortho-Phthaldialdehyde |
OPA➣Optical Publishing Association |
OPA➣Observations Programme Area (JCOMM) |
OPA➣Other Principal Arterial (transportation) |
OPA➣Outstanding Paper Award |
OPA➣Offenporigen Asphaltdeckschicht (German: Porous Asphalt Surface Layer) |
OPA➣Organization of Professional Aviculturists |
OPA➣Offense Per Acre (gaming) |
OPA➣Organization for Public Administration |
OPA➣Orthopedic Professional Association (Gilford, New Hampshire) |
OPA➣Ohio Poetry Association (Ohio) |
OPA➣Officer Personnel Act |
OPA➣Open Platform Architecture |
OPA➣Organization of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka |
OPA➣Office of Professional Attachment |
OPA➣Out of Place Artifact |
OPA➣Orthopaedic Practice Assembly (Medical Group Management Association) |
OPA➣Overarching Partnering Agreement |
OPA➣Ontario Physiotherapists Association |
OPA➣Ouptut and Performance Analysis |
OPA➣OSI Presentation Address |
OPA➣Operations Procurement Authority |
OPA➣Other Procurement Authority |
OPA➣Open Planar Array |
OPA➣Overhead Precautionary Approach |
OPA➣Organizational Performance Architecture |
OPA➣Operator Panel Assembly |
OPA➣Outage Probability Analysis |