not know someone from Adam

not know (one) from Adam

To not know who one is just by looking at them; to have never met someone before. Even though Jake had worked at the company for nearly 10 years, the boss still didn't know him from Adam. I don't blame them for not giving me permission right away. They don't know me from Adam.See also: Adam, know, not

not know someone from Adam

Be unable to recognize someone, as in Although I have worked here for two months, I've never seen the department head; I wouldn't know her from Adam . This term refers to the biblical story about the world's first human being. As at least one writer has pointed out, differentiating someone from Adam makes little sense since he had no name and wore only a fig leaf. [Mid-1800s] See also: Adam, know, not, someone

not know someone from Adam

If you don't know someone from Adam, you do not know them at all. We have one contact, who is simply a voice on the phone to us. I don't know him from Adam. These people were friends of a friend, who didn't know me from Adam. Note: According to the Bible, Adam was the first human being. See also: Adam, know, not, someone

not know someone from Adam

not know or be completely unable to recognize the person in question. informalSee also: Adam, know, not, someone