Maak, Richard

Maak, Richard Karlovich


Born Aug. 23 (Sept. 9), 1825, in Arensburg, present-day Kingissepp, Estonian SSR; died Nov. 13 (25), 1886, in St. Petersburg. Russian naturalist and explorer of Siberia and the Far East.

In 1853-55, Maak took part in the expedition which first described the orography, geology, and population of the basin of the Viliui, Olekma, and Chona rivers. He studied the valleys of the Amur (1855-56) and Ussuri (1859) rivers.


Puteshestvie na Amur, sovershennoe po rasporiazheniiu Sibirskogo otdela Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva v 1855 godu. St. Petersburg, 1859.
Puteshestvie po doline reki Ussuri, vols. 1-2. St. Petersburg, 1861.
Viliuiskii okrug lakutskoi oblasti, part 1, 2nd ed.; parts 2-3. St. Petersburg, 1883-87.