Moscow Technological Institute of Light Industry
Moscow Technological Institute of Light Industry
one of the leading technical higher educational institutions in the USSR for training specialists for light industry. It was founded in 1930 as the Polytechnic Institute of the Leather Industry; in the 1930’s it was known as the Moscow (later All-Union) Institute for the Leather Industry. It received its present name in 1939.
As of 1973 the institute had departments of technology, chemical engineering, and mechanics; an evening department; a branch in Novosibirsk; a graduate school; 29 subdepartments; a special-problems laboratory; and a computer center. The library has 250, 000 volumes. There were about 5, 000 students, and the teaching staff numbered more than 300, including 20 professors and doctors of sciences and more than 150 docents and candidates of sciences. The institute confers doctoral and candidate’s degrees. It has published Nauchnye trudy (Scientific Works) since 1938. Since its founding, the institute has trained about 15, 000 specialists.