a genre of folk poetry.
Laments exist among many peoples of the world and were widespread in the folklore of pre-revolutionary Russia. They were performed primarily by women mourners, both professional and nonprofessional, and were recited at funerals and weddings, at the departure of recruits into the army, and for everyday events. The best examples of northern Russian laments were recorded from I. A. Fedosova and N. S. Bogdanova of the Trans-Onega Region. During the Soviet period, moving laments about V. I Lenin and S. M. Kirov appeared.
Prichitan’iaSevernogokraia, sobrannye E. V. Barsovym, parts 1–4. Moscow, 1872–85.Prichitaniia. [Introductory article and notes by K. V. Chistov. Text prepared by B. E. Chistova.] Leningrad, 1960.
Russkaia narodno-bytovaia lirika: Prichitaniia Severa. V zapisiakh V. G. Bazanova i A. P. Razumovoi. Moscow-Leningrad, 1962.