Lyzlov, Andrei

Lyzlov, Andrei Ivanovich


Died after 1696. Russian historian and translator. Descended from the service dvorianstvo (nobility). Stol’nik (an officer in the tsar’s court) from 1676. Participated in the Crimean campaigns of 1687 and 1689 and the Azov campaigns of 1695-96.

In 1682, Lyzlov translated from Polish some parts of M. Stryjkowski’s Chronicles and, in 1686, translated S. Starowolski’s work The Court of the Turkish King. In 1692 he finished work on the Scythian History, in which he described the struggle of the Russian people and their Western neighbors against the Mongol-Tatar and Turkish conquerors, up to the late 16th century. He used an extensive range of sources and historical writings, including annals, chronologies, books of ranks and appointments, variants of the Kazan History, Ukrainian historical works, Polish-Lithuanian chronicles, and writings of Latin and other authors. While only in manuscript, the Scythian History was widely disseminated in Russia; it was subsequently published twice by N. I. Novikov (in 1776 and 1787).


Chistiakova, E. V. “’Skifskaia istoriia’ A. I. Lyzlova i voprosy vostokovedeniia.” In the collection Ocherki po istorii russkogo vostokovedeniia, collection 6. Moscow, 1963.