Acronym | Definition |
OEL➣Occupational Exposure Limit |
OEL➣Original English Language |
OEL➣Office of Early Learning (various locations) |
OEL➣Optical Engineering Laboratory (University of Warwick, UK) |
OEL➣Oracle Enterprise Linux |
OEL➣Ora et Labora (Latin: Pray and Work) |
OEL➣Occupational Exposure Level |
OEL➣Otto Energy Limited (Australia) |
OEL➣Organic Electroluminescent (display technology) |
OEL➣Office of Experiential Learning (various schools) |
OEL➣Office of Extended Learning (various organizations) |
OEL➣Organic Electro Luminiscence |
OEL➣Organic Electro Luminiscent |
OEL➣Object Oriented Extensible Language |
OEL➣Optional Endorsement Line (US postal service) |
OEL➣Old English Language |
OEL➣Open Ended Line (chemical process industry for a pipe open to the atmosphere) |
OEL➣Organizational Equipment List |
OEL➣Offshore Employee Leasing |
OEL➣Over-Excitation Limiter |
OEL➣Office of Export Licensing |
OEL➣Optical Evaluation Laboratory |
OEL➣Operational Events List |
OEL➣Operational Equipment List (US Army) |
OEL➣Open End License |
OEL➣Opened End Line (of credit) |