Aulie-Ata Cattle
Aulie-Ata Cattle
a breed of dairy cattle developed in the Kirghiz SSR and the Kazakh SSR by the crossing of indigenous and Dutch cattle and the subsequent autosexing of the hybrids.
Aulie-Ata cattle have a strong constitution. They are well adapted to mountain pasture, and they easily endure great heat. The cattle are usually piebald, but they are sometimes light gray. The liveweight of bulls on breeding farms is 700–800 kg, the maximum liveweight of bulls is as high as 1,000 kg, and the liveweight of cows is 400–450 kg. The average milk yield of cows is is 2,500–3,200 kg; the record yield is 9,988 kg. The fat content of the milk is 3.7–3.8 percent. Aulie-Ata cattle fatten well. The most valuable lines of bulls are Atlas 490, Veselyi 47, and Abrikos 1 in the Kazakh SSR, and Sultan 1, Shtar, and Orman in the Kirghiz SSR. Aulie-Ata cattle are used to improve indigenous cattle in breeding areas of Kazakhstan and Kirghizia.
Panasenko, A. G. “Nekotorye biologicheskie svoistva aulieatin-skogó skota.” Tr. Alma-Atinskogo zooveterinarnogo in-ta, 1959, vol. 11.Panasenko, A. G. “Aulieatinskii krupnyi rogatyi skot.” In Porody sel’skokhoziaistvennykh zhivotynkh, vyvedennye v Kazakhstane. Alma-Ata, 1960.