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mes·o·derm M0237900 (mĕz′ə-dûrm′, mĕs′-)n. The middle embryonic germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm, from which connective tissue, muscle, bone, and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop. mes′o·der′mal, mes′o·der′mic adj.EncyclopediaSeemesodermmesodermicenUK
mes·o·der·mic (mez'ō-der'mik), Relating to the mesoderm.mes·o·der·mic (mez'ō-dĕrm'ik) Relating to the mesoderm. mesoderm (mes'o-derm) [? + derma, skin] A primary germ layer of the embryo lying between ectoderm and endoderm. From it arise all connective tissues; muscular, skeletal, circulatory, lymphatic, and urogenital systems; and the linings of the body cavities. See: ectoderm; endodermmesodermicmesodermal, adjectiveaxial mesodermPortion of the mesoderm that gives rise to the notochord and prechordal plate.extraembryonic mesodermMesoderm lying outside the embryo proper and involved in the formation of amnion, chorion, yolk sac, and body stalk.intermediate mesodermMesoderm lying between somite and lateral mesoderm, and giving rise to embryonic and definitive kidneys and their ducts.lateral mesodermUnsegmented mesoderm lying lateral to the intermediate mesoderm. In it develops a cavity (coelom), separating it into layers (somatic and splanchnic mesoderm). Synonym: hypomereparaxial mesodermMesoderm lying immediately lateral to the neural tube and notochord.somatic mesodermThe outer layer of the lateral mesoderm. It becomes intimately associated with the ectoderm, forming the somatopleure, from which the ventral and lateral walls of the embryo develop. splanchnic mesodermThe inner layer of the lateral mesoderm. It becomes intimately associated with the endoderm, forming the splanchnopleure, from which the gut and the lungs and their coverings arise. |